Age 11

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Julianne had just turned 11 over the summer, her mom now realizing she's growing up, she let her get her first ever bra. As Julianne walked out of the car waving a goodbye to her mom who was driving away, she adjusted the clothing underneath which was scraping against the skin under her armpit, hurting her.

She looked around at the other kids who were walking the same way as her, towards the middle school entrance. She was searching the crowd for a familiar face she had stared at for more than half her life, adjusting her backpack straps and tippy toeing over the crowd.

She looked around again until someone came up behind her, jabbing her in the stomach. "Boo!" The voice cried out, Making Julianne jump in her spot and turn to the person. She flicked his head before hugging him. Her heart was picking up speed now at the closeness of their bodies.

So did his.

"Hey Keith, ready?" She asked as they began to walk towards the tables labeled "6th graders" in front of it. "Ready as I'll ever be."

They walked towards their designated tables that had their last names on it and grabbed their schedules.

Keith was looking at his schedule when he felt his heart racing, he looked up to see Julianne walking towards him, her eyes darting around at the kids nearby. He shook his head to get rid of the jitters.

Julianne was glancing around looking for Keith as she grabbed her schedule from the lady. So many faces, too many people she thought. Then her eyes found him. She admired the way some of his hair would hang over his face. The way he bit on his lip as he read his schedule. His eyes so focused they could burn a hole through it. She felt her body go numb and her heart begin to pound rapidly.

"There's so many kids going here." She stated as she came to his side. He was facing at her while she was still looking around. His eyes glanced at the sheet of paper in her hand. Her schedule.

He grabbed it and looked it over, sadly seeing no familiar names or room numbers. His shoulders slumped, "We have no classes together." He said grabbing Julianne's attention.

Her eyes wide in shock, "You're kidding." She snatched the two papers in his hand and looked it over. Her shoulders slumping at the fact that what her best friend had said was true. They didn't have a class together.

"It's okay though, we can still hang out during lunch and nutrition." She assured him, his eyes meeting hers.

"And stay best friends of course." She smiled sweetly before pulling him in for a hug. Both of their hearts booming out of their chests.

When they let go, they interlocked their fingers.

"Promise." They said in unison.

And they began to walk towards the school buildings in search of their new classes.

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