Chapter 3

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The next three weeks passed quickly, and Harry and Ginny resumed their close friendship as if they hadn't been apart for a year

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The next three weeks passed quickly, and Harry and Ginny resumed their close friendship as if they hadn't been apart for a year. Ginny had her interview at the Muggle Liasion office on the Thursday after Caleb's birthday party and was offered the job, to start the following Monday. Molly prepared a huge dinner to celebrate her daughter's success, so naturally Harry was invited. Caleb, who happened to be visiting the twins at WWW when Molly firecalled, was also included and accepted.

Harry took her out the next night, to a Muggle restaurant and the cinema, something the two usually did in the summer holidays, ever since Harry's mother had taken them to see some animated movie when they were little. The incident at the gazebo wasn't mentioned by either of them, although it was certainly on each other's minds.

Saturday saw them take little Teddy to Brighton to enjoy a day at the beach. Tonks was glad of the respite, for she was pregnant again, and not having an easy time. Remus was grateful to the two of them for allowing Tonks to rest, as Teddy was quite a rambunctious little boy, often encouraged by Sirius and James.

They'd been to the aquarium adjoining the fun park, then decided to go for an early lunch before a swim. Fish and chips was the obvious choice, although Teddy only ate a few chips. He seemed to find it more fun to throw his chips to the seagulls that congregated around them.

"Go chase them, Teddy," encouraged Ginny, but the boy looked doubtful. Ginny stood. "Watch me." She took off running towards the flock, waving her arms and squwacking, making the flock scatter quickly, while Harry laughed so hard. Teddy loved it, and took off after her, copying her. When they had all flown away, Ginny picked Teddy up, swinging him around and praising him for getting rid of the pesky gulls.

They raced back to Harry, with Teddy of course winning, jumping straight into Harry's waiting outstretched arms. Ginny flopped at their side, puffing and panting. Teddy then hopped onto her back and pretended to ride her like a horse.

They sat contentedly, watching Teddy scare the seagulls that dared to come back, and the other beachgoers. Soon enough Ginny decided enough time had passed and it was time for a swim. Harry just needed to remove his tee, then help Teddy get ready. He discreetly cast a sunblock charm on the boy and himself before turning to see if Ginny was ready.

She had removed her tee shirt and denim shorts and shook her hair out, before tying it up in a bun. Harry could clearly see all her new curves out on display in the yellow bikini she wore and his fingers itched to undo the ties at her neck and on each hipbone.

Teddy brought him back to his senses, eager to go for a swim. Harry and Ginny each took a hand and led him down to the water. They helped him jump over the waves and Harry took him in his arms as they walked into slightly deeper water. Ginny swam around the two, popping herself over Harry's body to play peekaboo with Teddy. Her hands were on his arms, his waist, his shoulders, then she rested her chin on his shoulders, her nearly naked body pressed against his back. He felt an reaction in his board shorts, so he hurriedly handed Teddy to Ginny then swam to deeper water.

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