Chapter 13

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      Welll...time sure knows how to get away from me. Especially when you're fighting monkeys who have a problem with poking you. But that aside, here's the next chapter! And I even have some music to go with it! Happy day! Enjoy lovelies! This is dedicated to ybba52 :)


         It takes a long time for Corin to process what had just happened. She had went against Ronan for Silvester’s sake. Her and Ronan had fought. Ronan had pinned her. She had gotten angry at Ronan. And then Ronan had kissed her. Ronan kissed her!

          But...she had liked it. Secretly, she had been wondering what if would feel like to kiss him for awhile. And now that it happened...she wanted more.

        Sliding to the ground, Corin leans her head back against the rock wall and sighs. Why did he kiss her? Did this mean that he actually liked her? She had been suspicious of this for awhile now but he never actually confirmed it. If he liked her, why didn’t he confirm it? And if he didn’t, why did he kiss her? Nothing made sense. Why did Ronan have to mess with her emotions the way he did?

        Clearly, Ronan had been angry at Silvester for kissing her. Would it be because he was jealous? That would explain his reaction but then again, it was so hard to tell what he was thinking most of the time.

        Wait a minute. He was angry at Silvester. Meaning...he was probably still angry! 

        Corin quickly gets to her feet, feeling panicked. Silvester was still in danger! Ronan may not have hurt her but that didn't mean that he was going to spare Silvester's life. Taking off down the hall, Corin desperately searches for Ronan, straining her ears for any sign of him. 

        She passes numerous soldiers and servants but no one seems to know where Ronan went. She was starting to grow desperate as she searched the dining room, throne room, and even the training room. The monster was strangely being silent inside her as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. 

        Finally she spots Korath up ahead as she races down yet another hallway. "Korath!" She yells and he stops walking as she approaches him. 

        "Where is Ronan?" She demands, panting from her run. 

        "I am not liable to answer you." He says smartly and starts to walk away.

        Fury instantly rushes through Corin and in a second, she has him pinned to the wall, her hand on his throat. 

        "I suggest you spill or else I'm gonna strip the very flesh from your face." She hisses as her hand ignites with fire. Korath's eyes widen in fear, fire flickering in his eyes. 

        Once Corin got the information she needed, she couldn't help but fear the worst. Supposedly, Ronan was in some room called the Execution room. And Silvester was probly there too, meaning that she didn't have much time. 

            Running as fast as she could, Corin flew through the halls, dodging and sometimes leaping over people in her haste. As soon as she saw a group of soldiers guarding a door, she knew that this was where Ronan was. 

            "Move!" She yells at them as she approaches but neither move. 

            "Ronan has ordered that no one is to enter, Miss Davis. I suggest you obey him." One of the soldiers responds, his expression expressionless. 

            "I'm warning you-" Corin is cut off by a loud, painful scream coming from inside the room.

         Her eyes widen, recognizing Silvester's voice. The soldiers, seeing her reaction, brace themselves and     point their weapons at her. Corin's nostrils flare in anger and she shoots her arms out, creating a path between the soldiers with her wind. Sweeping her arms to each side, she flings the soldiers out of the way and runs to the  door. 

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