The Decision

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Charli: That was a dream? It's gonna happen today... I'm gonna kiss Light, I mean, well Lights gonna make the move, but I don't think I'm prepared yet!

She jumps out of her bed and starts to change into her morning clothes.

Charli's Mind: Wait a sec, this is what exactly happened in the dream! Oh god! Idk if I am prepared for this to happen yet!

She walks downstairs to see if Light was there or not. She gets to the Kitchen and see Light sitting on the table. Exactly what happened in the dream. She is a bit freaked out by this! She doesn't know if she wanna go through this or not! She then asked what Light is doing in a stressed tone!

Charli: Light, what are you doing?
Light: Oh, I'm just bored! I don't really know what to do!
Charli: Oh ok, well I'm just gonna make some food for the both of us!
Light: Oh no need to! I already ate some leftovers!
Charli: Oh ok!


(Charli just froze not knowing what to do! She could  go with it and be with Light, but she is super stressed and doesn't know if it is the right thing to do!

(Charli slowly started to sit on the table with Light, she walks over to sit next to Light, she feels comfortable right next to Light, but Light was planning to do something.)

Charli's Mind: It's now or never!

(Charli and Light started to look at each other in the eyes. Their eyes were sparkling. Light puts his hand on Charli's head. Before Charli could say anything, Light closes the gap in between them. Charli puts up her hand and pulls Lights head in, making then kiss harder and deeper. This went on for about 2 minutes until the opened back up the gap for air)

Light: You know, Charli, if you really wanted to kiss me, you could've just said so 😏
Charli: Oh shut up!

Dream (An Inquisitormaster Charlight Story) (Charli x Light)Where stories live. Discover now