Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Adrienne's POV

I stood in the airport lobby, watching the other people walk by. Zayn sat on a bench behind me, with his hood up and his sunglasses on. That's the boys' idea of a good disguise.

"I'm hungry." I heard Niall complain from a few feet away.

"You just ate!" Gwen cried.

"I'm a growing boy!" Niall retorted.

"You can wait!"

Before Niall could say something back to her, Vi and Harry walked by.

"Would you guys stop arguing?!" Vi snapped. "You're gonna give yourselves away!"

"Sorry." Niall and Gwen muttered.

Vi rolled her eyes and grabbed Harry's hand, pulling him towards Zayn and I.

"Idiots." Vi exclaimed. She and Harry flopped down on the bench next to Zayn.

"Niall was just hungry." Harry defended his friend.

"He was yelling and attracting stares!" Vi faced him.

"He just wanted something to eat! Gwen could've gotten him something!"

Vi raised her eyebrows. "So now it's Gwen's fault?"

"You said it, not me..." Harry smirked.

"Niall shouldn't have been yelling. Gwen was putting him in his place."

"She didn't have to yell back at him!"

I spun around. "Okay, both of you, shut up!"

"Now you're yelling!" Zayn said in disbelief.

"This is unbelievable!" I threw my hands up in defeat.

I walked over to Niall and Gwen. "Gwen, go get Niall something to eat NOW."

She glared at Niall, but grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

Going back to Vi, Harry, and Zayn, I put my hands on my hips.

"Vi, take Harry and go get Liam and Danielle. We're going to be boarding the plane soon."

Vi nodded and left with Harry.

"Should we go find Louis and Eleanor?" Zayn stood up.

"No, they're over there getting Starbucks." I said without looking. Zayn widened his eyes and looked around for them.

"I don't see them."

"To your right, next to the fat man dressed like Indiana Jones and the woman with the screaming baby."

Zayn looked impressed. "Wow, you sure can pick things out."

"No, I just notice them." I grabbed my back and slung it over my shoulder. "C'mon, let's get ready to leave" I said coldly. I was still mad at him for planning this vacation.

"Still mad I see." Zayn smirked.

"I have every right to be."

"Not really." he said. "Everyone is looking forward to this vacation but you. Don't let them down."

I stopped in my tracks. He said that like he knew about my visit to Simon yesterday. How could he? The girls didn't even know.

"I don't want to let them down. You put us in danger." I accused.

"How? If anything, I helped. We're disappearing. Leaving. Gone. It will be like we never existed for these next three weeks."

"That's what you're hoping." I said. "The people who are after you, whoever they are, this will just make them look harder for you guys. They have to know you're going somewhere that nobody knows. It could even be easier for them to find us."

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