Chapter 6 - Seriously?

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(A/N) I know these notes are usually at the end, and I will have that I just need to tell you something. I am making the reader tall, like 6'0 tall. I'm sorry if your not that tall. I don't usually see a lot of tall reader inserts and it makes me mad because I, myself, am tall and it's make reading the story really hard. Like I said before, sorry if your not tall I just wanted to do something for the tall community. Ok, now back to the chapter!

Y/N Pov (Second Person)

You jolted awake after having a memory come back. You had just remember the day you were taken which is common, but when they try to wipe your memory every now and then. They always erase that part, it always some how comes back though.

Great, another day in this hell. Why do I even wake up for this. As you were in thought you didn't hear the footsteps coming down the hallway. Another thing about your 'box', is that you can hear what's outside, not what's inside.

The door burst open and you didn't flinch because you know what's about to happen. As you close you eyes and start to brace for being a human punching bag for the next few hours, but then the person says something.

"Stand up, it's time for your training. Don't make me wait." One thing you noticed is that it's a girls voice. Your eyes start to open, and you see she's there holding cuffs in one of her hands. This surprised you because they usually throw you around like a ragdoll.

The woman seemed to notice your confusion and said, "They want you to be healthy for the next two weeks, that way you have a better chance at winning the fight." You nod and get to your feet. As your standing up, you realize she's pretty short. You would have to say around, 5'0, well maybe short for you. (Sorry if that's your hight)

"Come on, hurry up." You take careful strides towards her, and you finally reach her. She puts the cuffs around your hands and walks you out of your 'box'. As your walking done the hallways, your head seems to almost hit the celling. I guess I didn't realize how short the ceiling is since I was being dragged, you thought to yourself.

One thing you did notice though, is that she didn't put a mask on you. You could be yelling right now, even if it wouldn't help. Of course you don't, because you can barely speak. Speaking of voices, you hear yells from the hallway you started going down. You could have eavesdropped, but then your stomach started to rumble, (this reminded me to go eat, but I'm going to finish this chapter first. Also, GO EAT SOMETHING IF YOU HAVEN'T TODAY, OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL COME THROUGH THIS SCREEN AND STUFF FOOD DOWN YOUR THROAT).

You tried to ignore it and listen in to the conversation again, but then it made the grumbling noise again. You wanted to just bang your head against the wall right then and there so you had something else to focus on. As you kept ignoring it, it kept happing and getting louder.

"How long has it been since you've eaten?" asked the woman.

"Why would you care," you shot back, and waited for a slap. Which happened moments later.

"How long has it been since you've eaten," she asked again, well more growled.

"What day is it, like Monday or what?" You asked her well trying to rub your cheek.

"I believe it's Friday, why?" She answered. You were in thought for a second, then came back with an answer.

"So about a week," you concluded. She looked as if she had been starved for a month, which you would know all to well. She then turned around abruptly, dragging you with her. Then you guys entered, what looked to be a cafeteria. She pushed you into a corner, which took some surprise to you considering how much you had on her.

It usually took like two people to push you half as far as she did. But hey, can't judge, that girl just has some serious strength. As you started to came back out of thought, she started walking towards you. With a plate in her hand. That had actually food on it. Wait, actually food on it! It looks to be Y/F/Fruit, and a small cup of milk/water (which ever one you prefer).

She must have seen you eyes light up because she just smiled a little. She brought you over to a table we're she let you eat in silence. Since you haven't eaten in a while, you could only eat a bit of the Y/F/F and drink some of the milk/water. Once you were finished eating she took the plate and through it in the trash.

She tugged you out of you seat, now with no emotion on her face, and you guys took off back in the direction of the place you were going before. As you got closer you realised that you couldn't hear anymore voices. That seemed to scare the woman a little, because her hands started to shake some.

As you got closer to the door, the room it guarded made a loud, bang. The woman seemed a little more nervous, but that was all that changed. When you guys got to the door, she put in some type of pin and the door opened like a space ship door would.  As you entered you saw that it was a training room. Yeah no shit, of course it's a training room. Where else would they be taking you.

You almost laughed at your stupidity, but stopped just in time. There was a man behind the door, and what look like a dead man behind him. He had a bullet wound right between his eyes. That must be where the bang came from, you answered yourself. The man's head snapped to the door, it could have given him whiplash if he wasn't careful.

"Where have you been," he gritted through his teeth. "I was starting to get impatient," he didn't even look at you all his attention was on the girl.

"I'm sorry it won't happen again." she said with a hint of fear in her voice

"It won't be able to happen again," he said as he raised the gun to point at her head. No, she can't die! She showed me kindness and gave me some food! More importantly food.

"It was my fault sir." You spoke up. All of the sudden both of their attention was on you, "I was being difficult and fought against her when she tried to take me." He lowered his gun at her, but then pointed it at you. With that he shot your L/D/A (least dominant arm 😅).

"Don't do that again." and with that, he left. The girl looked at you and hade a faint smiled. Kind of as a thank you, and left through the alien door. Now, the bullet did cause some pain, but not enough to make it unbearable. Now you were left alone in a room, waiting for your next command.

All of the sudden, a man came from the door the others went out from. He had dirty blonde hair, brown almond shaped eyes, a crooked nose, somewhat plum lips, and a very sharp jawline. Like damn, that's a sharp jawline. Really the looks is the only thing that tells the dudes apart. Seriously, they really need to start giving me names, you complained to yourself.

"Hello Spring Soldier, I will be helping you train these next few weeks. You may call me, (insert name you think suits him)." Hey they answered my prayers! Or maybe it's because I have to deal with him for the next 2 weeks. That's probably it. You brought down the hope little by little.

"To start training, let's see what you can do." You almost laughed, and showed him that your still cuffed. "Right, yeah let's get those off first." When he got them off you started what would be a very long week.

Time skip because I'm lazy and don't want to write training.

When you got back to your 'box', you thought about how you were going to make this week exciting. N/Y/G/H (name you gave him) He made it very clear that you will not be going on any missions, so that thats out of the picture.

Next thing you know, you yawn and start to close your eyes. I guess that concludes today's adventure. And with that, you pass out.

(A/N) Hi there, sorry again for making the reader tall. I just really wanted a tall reader insert into the avengers so here we are. Now I'm going to go eat, and I need you guys to go eat OR I WILL JUMP THROUGH THE SCREEN. Now well you process my threat and promise, hope you enjoyed and have a good day, evening, or night!

The Spring Soilder - Avengers x Reader - Bucky's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now