Chapter 1

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If you are reading this it means you have enough clearance to know about my mission, you know occupation, and also I'm probably in trouble. Maybe enough trouble that even I can't get out of. I'm banking on the fact that you probably have my file sitting on your desk in front of you right now. Hopefully with the help of this document, you'll be able to find me and help before it's too late. I can't say exactly where I am because of this gets into the wrong hands it could mean the end of my life, but I'll leave enough clues that if you have the needed information and the desire to do so you'll be able to find me.

If you have this document and my file then you know what happened during my mission, or at least the vague general facts, but to truly understand you'll need to know the whole truth. I should start from the beginning, the day I got the news.

I woke up early in my small dark apartment, earlier than normal. Charles, my SO, wanted me to come in early, he had something to tell me. I didn't think anything of it which now seems stupid, I should have figured something was up.

I pulled on faded jeans and a well worn leather jacket, the material was soft from frequent use. I left my sparsely furnished apartment without breakfast. It was a thirteen minute train ride to the office.

I work in an insurance cooperation building. Not in insurance, in the building. Our headquarters was on the top floor but no one knew that unless you knew who we are. There's a risk to having headquarters in such a public building but it was also amazing cover, who expects a secret CIA headquarters to be in a I siren e building? We also have agents stationed in the office and around the building to make sure there's no suspicious people hanging around. On my way in I give a slight nod to Tim, an agent posing as a man waiting for a meeting. Most of the agents are retired but still want to help out in some way. All they have to do is sit, drink coffee, and periodically scan the lobby.

I enter the elevator and ascend to the top floor. The view when you step out of the elevator is the best I've ever seen, a wall of windows face the elevators so you get the best view of the city. I can't tell you the city but it looks gorgeous at sunrise.

I go up to Brenda our receptionist, yes even the CIA needs a receptionist. "Is Charles in? He wanted to meet with me."

"You can check, he's been in and out of his office all morning."

All morning? It's six o'clock in the morning, how long has Charles been here?

I head down the hall and on the last door on the left I knock twice quickly and twice slowly, it's our own little knock so we know who's on the other side of the door.

"Come in." He sounded distracted.

I walk in and I'm right, Charles is pacing back and forth, flipping through a file. Some clear signs that he's stressed: pacing, running a hand through his greying hair, puffy bags under his eyes indicating sleep loss, his tie undone, sports coat thrown on the chair haphazardly, and a distinct sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead. I stood at the door observing Charles for a second before I decided that he looked too pathetic and I needed to snap him out of it.

"Charles!" I said harshly. He barely even noticed. I walked up to my freaked out SO and put my hands on his shoulders to keep him from pacing and so he would look at me.

I wasn't used to Charles like this, he's usually so clam and composed. That was the first time that I realized something was wrong. Something was seriously, catastrophically wrong for my SO to freak out like this.

"Charles what's wrong?" I said clam and slowly.

Even though he was looking at me he didn't really see me, he was distracted. "Oh hello Sophia."

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