(1) Football Legacies

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"Settle down class. Before we begin Ms Brumley I will need to speak with you after class." Pro. Golden said 

"Yes ma'am" Spencer Brumley said as she got her pen ready to take notes. 

She was in her 8AM photojournalism class at NYU. Professor Golden began the lecture as everyone began to take notes. After two long hours of the class she made her way down to her professor. 

"Spencer..near the end of the season we always pick one player for the big spotlight in the sports section of the campus paper. You are one of two sports editors so I'm giving the story to you." Professor Golden said 

"What do you want me to do?" She said 

"We have chosen the rising quarterback star Bucky Barnes. He's already well on his way to the NFL and I don't mean just because of who his family is. So we need you to interview him put the spotlight on him." Professor Golden said 

"Okay.." she said with a smile. 

"Great that's all I wanted to talk about." Professor Golden said 

"Thanks Professor." She said as she walked out of the lecture hall. 

She went upstairs to go to the radio station to do her other job. She gets forty five minutes a day where all she does is talk sports radio. She knows that nobody is probably listening but she enjoys it none the less. Spencer is the daughter of a football legend Carl Brumley who now coaches the NY Giants. Her three older brothers all play for the NFL she is the only daughter of her parents marriage. 

Across the campus Bucky was pulling up on his motorcycle for his 10AM political science class. He pulled off his helmet and pushed back some of his hair. Steve and Sam pulled in on either side of him. 

"Morning." He grumbled as he walked away. 

"Well good morning to you sunshine." Sam said

"I hate you." Bucky said when they caught up to him. 

"Well you are the one always in a don't fuck with me attitude. Where did you disappear to last night?" Steve said 

"My place.." he said as he went into the building for his class. 

Bucky sat in the back of the class hall he felt his phone buzz. 

"Great game over the weekend. You are well on your way my boy! I'm so proud of you!." 

He replied to the text: "Thanks dad." 

James replied with a smile emoji. 

Like Spencer he came from a football family as well. He the third son from his parents marriage they had three boys and 1 daughter. His two older brothers Bryson and Brody are already in the NFL and his dad is retired. His sister Rebecca is a sports manager and has already been shooting her shot with her little brother to be his. 

That night after practice Spencer was pacing outside the athletic building where her uncle Mitchell Brumley the college's football coach told her the boys would be. As the air erupted with loud and rowdy boys. She seen Bucky coming out last. 

"Bucky Barnes?" She said 

He stopped on the stairs and turned to see a little blonde with big blue eyes and luscious lips.

"Have we met?" He said 

"No. I'm Spencer Brumley I work for the campus paper. We choose a player at the end of the season to put a spotlight on. I've been tasked to interview you cause you were chosen." She said 

"Oh. I'm sorry but I really don't like attention. Tell them to pick someone else." He said 

"But you are the son of a football legend and your brothers..." she said but he cut her off. 

"I know who my family is. I don't need you to point out that you did your research on me before approaching me. I don't want to do the interview." He said as he walked away. 

Spencer sighed as she walked to her jeep. Two more football players approached her.

"Hi..we are Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers. We are friends with Bucky." Sam said

"Oh..hi. You both played really well over the weekend." She said 

"Thank you. And look we are sorry he was rude to you. He isn't really big on attention and tries his best to stay out of the shadow of his dad. Hence why he would rather go by Bucky then James." Steve said 

"Oh okay..I'll talk to my editor tomorrow about choosing someone else. Although I don't think she will let me." She said 

"Okay. Well it was nice to meet you Spencer." Sam said 

"You too." She said as she climbed in her jeep. 

Bucky was at his place that he has to himself. He was eating burgers and doing his homework when his dad called. They talked for an hour and half before he went to bed. The next morning he seen Spencer at the student lounge getting a purple Nos energy drink. As she was walking out he followed her out. 

"Spencer right?" He said 

She stopped and turned around. "Yeah." She said when she seen him. 

He pushed back some hair as he walked towards her. 

"I'm sorry for being rude last night." He said 

"It's fine. I'm use to it..most people don't take me seriously until they realize who I am." She said 

He looked at her perplexed. "I'm Spencer Brumley. As in your coach's niece and my dad is a NFL hall of famer Carl Brumley.." she said 

His eyes went wide not only did he insult her by making it seem like she did research he insulted a NFL legend's daughter.

"Anyways..here. I'm gonna give you my number. This way you can contact me when you are ready to do the interview. My editor is giving me a month to get it done she won't change her mind." She said 

"Spencer I really don't like attention..or opening up about my life." He said

"I get that. But it's just for the school paper it's not like it's ESPN or something like that. So here just call or text when you are ready." She said as she handed him the blue sticky note. 

He ran his hand through his hair. "I have to get to class. Bye Bucky..and you didn't offend me last night I'm use to it." She said as she walked away. 

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