Wolfstar oneshot

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Remus knew this plan wasn't foolproof, but it was his only chance to get Sirius free.  He headed across the lake to Azkaban with his "emotional support dog". The dog was a ploy to get Sirius out, so that when he left he would be traveling home with Sirius' animagus. Again, like he said it wasn't foolproof, but he needed answers from Sirius about everything that happened that night in Godric's Hollow. He knew Sirius and this wasn't like him, he would never switch to Voldemort's side. He loved James, Lily, and Harry too much to do that to them. But Remus still had no idea how this happened. He had visited Sirius once before a fortnight ago only to tell him of the plan and Sirius agreed. He only hoped things would work. The guard let him through with no issue and he breathed a sigh of relief, he made it in easily, but getting out was the hard part. Remus walked down the long hallway, heading to Sirius' cell down on the far end. He made it to cell 390 and saw Sirius sitting there on the ground, looking exhausted and listless. He hated how Azkaban was destroying Sirius, he didn't deserve this life. Sirius saw him and immediately perked up at the sight of his best friend and ex-lover.  "Well if it isn't Moony, here to break me out." he smirked. Remus shushed him, trying to keep anyone from hearing. Remus had let the other dog walk off, one of the guards on the floor was a friend of his, so it'll be awhile before anyone might realize what happened and they don't know that Sirius is an unregistered animagus so they won't suspect Remus either. Sirius quickly transforms as to not be spotted and slips his thin body through the bars and wags his tail excitedly, ready for freedom. They walk out of there together and nobody does anything to stop them thankfully. They make it out and across the lake, then Remus apparates them to his apartment, it's one of the only safe places they could go right now. Remus didn't know who else he could trust, he's not even sure if he can trust Sirius right now. He points his wand at Sirius and whispers "I need answers, and you need to explain everything, now." Sirius puts his hands up, understanding that he had every right to be hesitant of Sirius. "First, you need to know that I would never betray Lily and James no matter what. We made a last minute decision to switch the secret keeper. We didn't know who we could trust, especially you. We switched it to Peter because we thought we could trust him, but we were wrong. He betrayed us to save his own life, and before you say that he died, he didn't. He faked his death, blew up the alleyway and left me with the aurors. He cut off his finger and transformed into his rat form and escaped, the dirty rat. I promise you, I would never betray you or Lily or James. I was angry that night and reacted harshly against Peter and it's my fault that everything went sideways in that alleyway. I'm sorry, for everything Moony." he sighed. Remus dropped his wand and pulled Sirius into a hug, starting to slowly sob. Sirius hugs him harder, slowly rubbing his back, saying soft soothing words to calm him down. Sirius wipes the tears off his cheek with his thumb. He saw Sirius getting closer and closer until their faces were only inches away, his heart skipped a beat as he was reminded of the past they shared together. Remus closes the gap between them and as their lips met, time seemed to stop, and it was as if they were the only two people in the world. Nothing else mattered right now, it was just him and Sirius. As Sirius was reaching for his belt, there was a knock at the door and they pulled apart suddenly, both clearly confused as Remus wasn't expecting anyone else. Remus motions for Sirius to hide in the bedroom and he closes the door, grabs his wand, and heads to his front door. He looks through the doors peephole and sees his Transfiguration professor, Mcgonagall standing at his front door. He opens the door to invite her in, and asks "Professor Mcgonagall, what are you doing here?" "Oh please, skip the theatrics Remus, I know exactly what you're doing and that there's someone upstairs." Remus displays a look of shock on his face as to look as if he has no idea what she's talking about. "OH! I was uh going to have a slumber party!" he smiled. "Mr. Lupin, do you think I'm that stupid? Sneaking someone out of prison and hiding them in your apartment is not a 'slumber party.'" His face fell and he inquired "How did you know?" "I've known you all since you were 11, I know you as if you were my own children, did you really think you'd get this past me? My only question is why." Remus nodded and slowly explained everything that Sirius had told him, but also mentioned that since Peter is probably still in his rat form, it'll be virtually impossible to find him. She stands there in shock, gradually taking in everything she just learned. She murmured "Well you obviously can't tell them now, but let me talk to some of the existing members of the Order, see if any of them can help, I promise we'll find him and Sirius can be free." He grins and pulls her into a hug, "Thank you so much, Professor Mcgonagall, we'll never be able to repay you enough for this." "Please, you're not schoolchildren anymore, call me Minerva or as Mr. Black used to call me, Minnie." she winked.  He beamed and thanked her and they bid their goodbyes, as she needed to talk to the Order and he and Sirius needed time to catch up, (if you know what I mean). Remus headed back upstairs so he and Sirius could continue what they started. Was their future uncertain? Yes. But it did not matter in this moment as they finally had each other again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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