Training with Jiraiya - year 2

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They continued traveling and training, but would always come back to a place that was nearby Amegakure. He also liked to have her wear some strange frog suit when out there. Said it would help her learn a better taijutsu form. As if she would truly need it!

The spy network was finding new leads and checking them out. Sometimes Jiraiya would bring Naruto and go himself. He wanted her to know how to handle his network in case something happened to him. She didn't like to think of that, but she understood. She also felt very honored to be the one that her sensei wanted to pass his work down to.

Another thing that he liked to teach her, was fuinjutsu. He said it was something that she needed to know about; because the Uzumaki clan were known for it. She knows that it also has something to do with her parents. Nevertheless, she's been very grateful and trying her hardest to get it right. If nothing else she should have it down by the next year or so.

They had stopped to take a small break, enjoying a popsicle in the area's heatwave. Jiraiya-sensei, and sometimes ero-Sennin, had told her that he was actually her godfather. She was surprised, but she understands why he couldn't be there for her when she was younger.

"You know, this means that you have to get me some ramen."

"Is that so? Well I suppose that's fine..."


"When you tell me about that seal on your chest."

"Eh?! You damn old man pervert!!"

"What?! I'm not old! And I told you before that I am not that kind of pervert!"

"I don't care you stupid old man! A pervert is a pervert!"

"Ne, Naruto-chan? Have you put on a little more weight?"


And so the peace and quiet of the atmosphere was broken. The now angry redhead was channeling her mother and chasing Jiraiya with a frying pan. Her hair parting into nine different places flowing in the wind like tails. He's not sure if she knows what she's doing, but he can't help the laugh that escapes him. It makes her angrier but he knows that she's not really serious. He hopes... 

The day comes to an end soon and they finished packing up. They will be traveling again. It would seem from the outside perspective that there is no method to their madness, and that would be correct. Naruto has improved greatly with her fuinjutsu and also knows enough of the spy network that she can occasionally make suggestions.

He's still not sure if she can use any of the same chakra abilities that Kushina-chan has. He's not even sure how to go about testing that one. Perhaps he will have to wait until after he sees what she can do with the fox and its chakra.

She's also been very moody lately, and sometimes she doesn't seem to be getting much sleep. He doesn't really know what's going on and doesn't even know how to ask. He knows that she has nightmares, sometimes he can hear her talking in her sleep. Random mutterings of 'Yū', 'Sennen Hakushaku' and some others he couldn't understand.

At least she seems to be close to the matron, of the brothels they stay at, she's been spending a lot of her time with the woman. In turn, the woman had given Naruto more kimonos of various sizes and said that she would need them. He's pretty sure that he doesn't really want to know, and maybe he won't; it really is a good place to keep a spy network. Even the spymaster himself has some secrets kept from him, though he admits that it's necessary.

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