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Morgan wasn't one to go to parties. The sickening amount of smelly people made her want to turn over a toilet, but for tonight, she had made an exception. None of her friends had shown up, simply because they did not exist, and the people attending were the kind that pissed her off. All of them filled her with rage, all but one.

A brunette girl was dancing off in the distance, green eyes sparkling in the light of the disco ball hung from the ceiling. She moved with grace in her pretty pink sweater, her matching hair bow swaying with each movement. Her drink never spilled, her feet never fumbled, and her eyes never closed. Julia. Sweet, perfect Julia. Morgan was infatuated with her, every inch of her body, mind and soul. Everything about her was endearing to Morgan, from the way she wrote to the way she spoke. They had been partners for school projects before, Morgan had even been to her house once, but beyond that they barely knew each other. It was nothing but a simple crush, yet Morgan couldn't help but stare as Julia moved closer and closer until-

"Hey," Morgan nearly spit out her drink, "glad you showed up."

Morgan took a moment to collect herself, heart racing. "Showed up?" Morgan scoffed, gesturing to her flannel, ripped jeans and Chucks. "I think I showed out."

"Of course, you did," Julia chuckled. "C'mere." She grabbed Morgan's hand, and Morgan's face immediately flushed red. Julia pulled her off the wall and into the mass of dancing people, music booming. It was like being dragged through a maze, bumping into person after person until finally Julia stopped, right in the middle of the crowd.

She let go of Morgan's hand and started to dance, her arms raising up as her body moved side to side, sweater raising just above her hips. Morgan's cheeks didn't get any less red, and as Julia sunk deeper into her movement, Morgan joined her, letting go of any fears and anxieties she may have felt before as she, too, lifted her arms, feeling the music. She swayed and spun with Julia, euphoria quickly coming over her as everyone else seemed to fade away. It was just her, her and the girl she so desperately wanted something with. Morgan grinned, reaching for Julia's hand with no fear. She spun her new dancing partner, twirled her, moved with her, and then they switched roles, Julia taking the lead. The two went back and forth for what felt like hours, moving in a slightly tipsy grace, giggling at each other every few seconds and forgetting the rest of the world. Julia grew closer, soon close enough that when a slower song came on, their arms were wrapped around each other, and Morgan was fighting the intense urge to kiss her.

God, she never imagined something like this would happen. She never even imagined that she would be invited by Julia to the party, would even be considered as a friend by her. Now here they were, so close, so intimately close that Morgan couldn't help but crave to kiss Julia, soft and long. She knew she couldn't, not surrounded by people, not when it was so frowned upon, when she was so unsure if Julia felt the same way. But then she felt Julia's lips close to her ear, whispering, "Take me home."


The car ride home was filled with comfortable silence, Morgan quietly driving them home. Julia watched the other's freckled face, eyes moving to examine her cheeks, nose, the way her hair framed her face. She was mesmerized by Morgan's sarcastic demeanor. From the few times they had worked together, Julia could tell that Morgan was laid back, fun, ready to do anything that was just scandalous enough to barely get them in trouble, and it made Julia want her. She could feel the way Morgan looked at her, the long stares, the quick glances and accidental daydreams that were so clear in Morgan's eyes. The poor girl was so obvious about it that Julia hadn't been entirely sure that it was real, but after that dance, the feelings between them were almost tangible.

They were about halfway to Julia's house when she made her move. Morgan's right arm had been sitting free on the seat next to her, so Julia slowly inched closer, moving to wrap Morgan's free arm around her shoulders. She could almost feel the heat rush to Morgan's face, and Julia smiled, glad she had such an effect on the other.

"You know, I never expected a hothead like you to blush so much," Julia teased.

Morgan's face grew redder, if it even could. "I never expected you to give me a reason to blush, princess."

It was Julia's turn to grow red, face full of heat. By this time, Morgan was pulling into Julia's driveway. She parked, unwrapped her arm from around Julia and hopped out of the pickup, holding the door for Julia to slide out. Morgan gave a mocking bow as Julia jumped out, giggling, and she took Morgan's hand just as the other reached to get in the car and leave. "Uh-uh, you're coming with me, cowboy."


Morgan was in absolute awe of what had happened, but she had felt she was hiding it well. Inside fireworks and explosions were going off, her brain lighting each one every few seconds. Julia did like her, this was real. Julia was guiding her into her house to do god knows what, and in truth, Morgan didn't care. It was like all she wanted was to spend time with Julia, no matter what they were doing. She did, however, deep down hope that they would finally kiss, maybe turn on the radio and dance some more.

Julia opened the front door and led Morgan inside, shutting it and pausing. It seemed as though Julia were contemplating something, weighing her options, and Morgan very quickly deciphered what that thing was. She pulled Julia closer, wrapped her arms around her and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Julia's ear. Now, Julia was about as red as a tomato, and she felt the heat coming off Julia's face as Morgan kissed her. She was slow and soft, eyes closed, savoring their first kiss as she felt Julia's arms wrap around her neck. Julia pulled back for a breath, and Morgan brought her closer, and when their lips reconnected she felt almost a spark between them, as if it were meant to be.

They went on for what felt like hours, lips dancing like how they had at the party. It almost felt unreal, actually kissing a girl, actually kissing Julia. Morgan wondered if perhaps it were all just a dream. But those thoughts quickly vanished as she felt a light nip at her lip, and she couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Morgan pulled away, still grinning, and looked into Julia's bright green eyes. "This is the best party I've ever been to."

"The only party you've been to." Julia gave Morgan a joking shove.

"What, you think I'm not fun?" Morgan shoved Julia back. "I'm fun."

"You're the most boring person on earth," Julia joked, taking a step back. "If you're so fun, then catch me." With that, Julia started running through her mansion like house. Morgan began to laugh, chasing after her as if they were small children.

"I'm gonna get you, princess!" Morgan called, following Julia into the kitchen. She cornered Julia behind the kitchen island, the two moving side to side the second the other one jerked even an inch. They were both grinning ear to ear, and in one swift movement, Morgan jumped over the island and tackled Julia to the ground, giggling all the way. "Gotcha," she teased, now laying right on top of Julia.

Their eyes locked, and this time Julia kissed first, a little more vicious than before. They were bother elated, happy to just be with each other, kissing each other. Morgan had never felt anything like it before, nothing sweeter, nothing happier. She wanted to stay like this forever, kissing a beautiful girl and feeling no remorse for it. So that's what they did. For the rest of the night, Julia and Morgan kissed, played and teased each other all throughout the house, safe from the eyes of any watchers. They went on doing so until about three in the morning, until they finally fell asleep, deep in conversation and kisses and wrapped in each other's arms, now officially together, in secret, of course. 

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