Chapter 24- Taken

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Ladybug's face runs cold. "W-what?"

"You're...Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Aren't you?" I ask.

"No...I think you're confused Alley Cat. I'm not Marinette. I don't even k-know a Marinette." Ladybug tries to confidently say. I can hear the doubt in her voice.

It all makes so much sense now...the abrupt leaving and excuses, Ladybug not being around during Princess Justices attack, heck, even their hair looks the same! I give Ladybug an 'I know it's you' look, and she sighs.

"Fine. But you have to promise to never tell anyone." She firmly states.

"Cross my heart." I say, making and 'x' overtop of my chest.

"But I don't understand, how did you know it was me?" Ladybug asks. "I've always been so careful."

I chuckle. "If I told you then you'd figure out my identity." I wanted to tell Marinette that I am (yn), the girl who stayed with her for six months, but I know that if I told her, she'd figure out Chat Noir's identity too. After all, Alley Cat is dating Chat Noir, and (yn) is dating Adrian. If she knew Alley Cat was (yn) then that mean I'd either be cheating on Adrian, or Chat and Adrian are one in the same.

"Fair point." Ladybug says.

We sit on the edge of the tower as I dangle my feet over the edge. "Where in the world is Chat Noir?" I ask.

"I'm not sure...he's never this late..." ladybug says as she takes out her yo-yo to check her messages. She has one missed call from Chat. She puts the speaker on and plays back the message.

"Ladybug! I need your help, there's a villain at the Arc de Triomphe, I can't stop him alon-"

The call is cut off by a loud yell.

I jump up. "We need to help him!!! Chat could be in trouble!!" I say in a panicked tone. I begin running to the edge of the tower to jump off, when ladybug lassos me with her yo-yo.

"Alley Cat wait! We can't just make rash decisions, we need to think this through!" She says. Ladybug unwraps me from her yo-yo and uses her lucky charm. A small chip and walkie talkie looking device fall from the sky and into Ladybug's hands. She looks at the items and then her surroundings. She looks around for a few moments and I instantly bolt off once her back is turned.

There was no way that I was going to let Chat Noir get hurt while Ladybug wanted to "strategize".

"Alley Cat wait!!" She calls after me. I keep sprinting and leap of the Eiffel Tower towards the Arch de Triomphe. I've traveled about half way when I'm suddenly stopped. I can't move my feet. I look down.


My feet were stuck in pink slime.

"Ya know, I was skeptical that this plan would actually work. But Hawkmoth was right when he said that people do crazy things when they're in love."

I look to the voice to see Crimson Sky, who walks in front of me. Her ombré locks blow in the wind. "Hello Alley Cat. It's nice to see you again—Is what I would say if it actually was." She scowls. "But I will admit that it's funny to see you acting like an idiot over a boy." Crimson throws a pink powder at my face. I feel myself getting tired, and fighting to keep my eyes open.

"W-why are you doing this?"

Crimson Sky chuckles. "You'll know soon enough. For now though, just relax...let the sleep overtake you."

I try to fight the sudden wave of sleepiness, but my eyelids grow heavy. "You...won't get...away...with........this" I softly say and I drift off to sleep.


I wake up to a pink sky in a field of white roses. I slowly sit up and notice my white jumpsuit had been replaced by a white bridal dress, and a vail covering my hair and face. I begin walking through the peaceful field and see a black cat walk in front of me. He has bright green eyes. "Salut Chaton." I softly say, kneeling down to pet the cat. He softly purrs.


I glance around to look for the owner of the voice, but see nobody. I look back to the cat, to see that he has become a boy in a black tuxedo, wearing a mask covering his green Cat eyes.

"Chaton?" I ask in surprise.

He takes my hand in his, and gently kisses it. "Yes mi amor?" He says with a smile.

"I'm-I'm afraid..."


"I don't want to loose you."

"You won't ever loose me, (yn)" he lifts the vail of of my face and slowly leans his face towards mine, closing his eyes. I close my own and copy his actions until our lips meet.


I'm sitting in a shallow pool of water. An oddly familiar sky of stars is above me. I jump up from the water when my surroundings begin to violently shake.

"Alley Cat!!"

I smile as Chouette glides down to meet me, her blonde hair blowing in the wind. "Chouette! It's great to see you again!! What are you doing here? Is there trouble?"

Chouette places a finger over my lips to make me stop taking. I notice that I'm not greeted by her usual calm smile, but a worried face. "Alley Cat, I don't have much time! Your dream is incredibly unstable! Don't tell them anything, help is coming-"

Our surroundings tremble and chucks of night sky begin falling towards the water, leaving glowing emptiness in their place. "Who are 'they'?" I quickly ask.

"Don't loose hope! The one who you least expect will give you help when you need it mo-" Chouette frantically states as she's cut off by darkness.


My eyelid flutter open, and I slowly look around, my neck feeling incredibly sore. I'm in a dark room with a single light directly above me and one door. I'm seated in a cheap metal folding chair, my arms and legs ducktaped to the back of the chair and the legs. My mouth is gagged, and my lips feel dry. I wonder how long I've been asleep.

"I'm glad that you're finally awake. We've been waiting for you quite awhile..."

My head bolts to the door, Where the silhouette of a man is standing there.  He slowly walks in, his business shoes tapping against the tile floor. I stare at the floor, not wanting to look at whoever kidnapped me. The man roughly grips my jaw forcing me to look into his cold silver eyes. Hawkmoth.

"...Alley Cat."

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now