Albany Bound

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"Lexi, let's go! We don't want to miss your flight!"

I quickly grabbed my carry on bag, took one last look around my room before making my way slowly down the stairs. My sneakers barely made a sound as I stepped off the last stair and made my way to the front door. For some reason mom and dad had decided to send me to off to Albany, New York. My mom's sister lives up there and just recently had a car accident that left her bedridden for the next couple months. She had to have surgery on her hip a week after the week accident and just recently had her ankle worked on. All she had left was a bunch of physical therapy and a long road to recovery.

"Lexi, sweetheart? Are you alright?"

My mom's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I didn't talk much. It wasn't because I didn't know how to or had anything wrong with me, I just preferred to stay quiet. I am an only child so maybe that has something to do with it. I have been pampered and sheltered my entire life, but it was honestly the lifestyle I enjoyed. I didn't like to socialize or be around other people, so my mother was kind enough to homeschool me. Once I started high school, all of my schooling was done online, and I graduated at the top of my class. I still have no idea what I am going to do with my life so for now I just jump in wherever I am needed.


I jumped in my seat and quickly gave my mother my full attention. The confused look on my face made my mother scoff and shake her head, I am always spacing off.

"I asked if you were alright," she stated.

"Oh, sorry mom. I am alright, I just have a lot running through my mind right now," I whispered.

"I hope you aren't upset with me or your father. We tried our best to get the time off so that we could all go together, but our companies refused to give us that much time. Apparently we are replaceable yet they can't live without us when we need time off," mom grumbled.

I giggled quietly at her comment and put my head down to look at my black skater skirt that rested right above my knees. My hands were folded in my lap as I sat quietly for a moment.

"It's ok mom. I'm not upset, I just hope Aunt Elly is nice."

Hearing mom's sigh caused my anxiety to quickly shoot through the roof of our car. What if Aunt Elly was mean? What if she yelled at me? I hate when people yell at me or raise their voices, for some reason it causes panic attacks and those are just....awful.

"She's not mean just...difficult," mom started. "As long as you are a good girl and just make sure she's comfortable and on time for her appointments, everything should be fine."

I nodded my head while simultaneously clenching my hands together until they were beginning to turn white. I am a good girl but I am still not everyone's cup of tea. Most people find me extremely annoying even though I am very quiet, others tell me I am a total angel, well my mom does anyway.

Sensing my unease mom quickly tried to change the subject.

"Hey, use this time to do some sight seeing! There is a very popular tourist attraction at the Albany Diocesan Cemetery. It hosts a larger than life gargoyle/man creature at the heart of it. There is a sad legend behind it and no one knows who sculpted it! I know how much you enjoy history and Albany is crawling with it! But the gargoyle holds a lot of mystery from what your aunt tells me. She thinks that is something you might enjoy."

My ears began to perk up as mom continued to go on and on about this statue. It definitely intrigued me and would have to be something I visit while in Albany. I loved history, but more so I loved legends, stories that no one knew the origins of or the truth behind them. Anything that intrigued me I always researched and dove into, most of the time the truth ended up being underwhelming, but I enjoyed it none the less.

Suddenly the car stopped moving and mom's talking had ceased. Lifting my head I saw we were pulled off in front of the doors leading to my flight.

"Maybe I should park and go in with you. What if you get lost? I don't want anything to happen to you. I have never had you be so far away from me before."

Quickly wrapping my arms around my mom's neck and squeezed her as tightly as I could. I didn't want to go so far away without my mom, we were always within driving distance of each other. I know that this is only for a couple months, but that doesn't change the fact that I am going to miss her.

"It will be ok mom. I will be fine and I will text you once I reach the gate."

Nodding mom pulled away and held my face between her hands.

"Listen carefully Lexi. When you go in do not talk to anyone accept airport employees. If you get lost look for airport security, they will help you. Keep your wallet in your carry on, your father and I put two thousand dollars into your account so that way if you need anything, you can get it. Lastly, if you need anything at all please call us. Oh, and call me each night no matter what. I love you honey."

"I love you too mom."

I softly smiled at her before climbing out of the car and grabbing my carry-on and my two other bags. With a sigh to calm my heart beat and a wave goodbye to my mother, I made my way inside and stood in line at the ticket counter.

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