Part 5

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"I would like to make an announcement!" Yelled Sci "What is it?" Asked US! Alphys (I think I spelled that wrong.) "A lot of other tapes are dammed, so this is wen Frisk is most likely 5 years old and Error is 13, and I have reason believe that something bad will happen, the cover said, "Warning! This next tape will include blood, experimental torture, and emotional moments." Error was sweating, what was going to happen?

Error was in the cafeteria with little Core Frisk on his lap, Error looked malnourished and fragile. "Come on Core eat your food." "No!" "And why not?" "It tastes bad!" Core was pouting like a fish. "You ate your food now you need to eat this." "But that's your food! And I don't want you to be hungry! Plus it tastes terrible!" Error looked touched, and insulted, he knew that his food tasted bad but it was healthy! Plus Core was given less food because they were smaller. But Core was right about him not really eating, he new it wasn't healthy, but... he's wanted Core to be happy and healthy at any cost, he didn't want to lose them, and they didn't want to lose him ether. "Fine but don't come complaining to me wen you get hungry." Core smiled at that. "Ok! Love you mom!" Core got us and ran to play with the other kids.

Nightmare: "That's concerning, but cute."
Cross: "Agreed."
Blue: "Error, how long has it been since you ate?"
Error: "Not long actually, only 3 months."
Everyone: "THREE MONTHS?!"
Error: "Yah, is something wrong?"
Nightmare: "Error, as soon as the next break starts your eating wether you like it or not." Error nodded, still confused about why everyone was suddenly worried.

"Subjects 3521, come over here please."

UF! Undyne: "I don't trust that voice."
FS Undyne: "Me nether."

Error felt a cold shiver wen he was called out. He hurriedly came to scientists side as to not upset them, it was the tall scientist again. His worst tormentor.
The audience shivered and paled.
He was lead to a room with a steel operation table. Error stared to shake uncontrollably. "Lay down on the table." Error did as he was told, as soon as he got comfortable he was strapped to the table with thick leather restraints. "W-What are you g-going to do to m-me?" The scientist looked at the small skeleton in silence for a few seconds before answering his question. "I'm going to restrain the magic in your eyes, as well as use you to make a vaccine for a new virus going around called pixslexia, but one of these tests will be done on a different day." Error breathed out a sigh of relief, he was happy that he actually told him what they were going to do, instead of leaving him scared and clueless. He could not shake the felling of something bad happening. 'What will happen wen they restrain my magic?' Suddenly a big Machine descended from the ceiling making Error look in terror. "Which one do you want to do, the vaccine or the restrain?" Error immediately answered. "Th-the vaccine!" The scientist grinned wickedly. "So the vaccine tomorrow." "W-Wait! STOP NO!-" then he was gagged. Now hold still and DON'T BLINK."

Everyone covered their ears, knowing that screaming would occur..... and they were right.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! GHAAAAAAAAA!!!! MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP!!!!!" The screams could be herd by every part of the facility, in every room, and by the kids, even his own child...................... now Error, with the tear mark pattern missing from his cheek bones, and replaced with actual tear marks, was sitting in his sell with Core. "M-Mom?" Error looked down at his little terror. "Yes?" His voice was quite, broken, and meek. "Is stuff that bad going to happen to me?" Error froze, looking in Frisk's desperate eyes pledging for an answer. He hugged them tight. "I don't know... l-I don't know!" He was crying hugging his little terror, and they hugged back with just as much force and tears. Little did he know, Cores question would be answered soon enough.
Most of the Theater-I mean courtroom was in tears, or on the verge of tears.

Sci: "I think we need a little time to relax...." All agreed.

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