Part 8

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Mix was in his last weeks of classes, he was very excited because he was very close to achieving his goal. Graduating as a veterinarian had been always his dream since he was a child. He loved animals since he was little. It was his passion ...

-So cute my Bach, Mix said while spoiling his Corgi.

When he went down to the first floor he left the puppy under the care of the employees, today he would spend more time at the university and he wanted them to bathe him, play games, allow him to give him his food, etc. Bach was very spoiled.

-I wish I had Bach's life. Earth said while he watch all the female employees spoiling Bach

-Why do you say that? Because all the women are around him. Mix asked.

-Uhmmm he has a life of royalty !!

-Let's go better, I must be early for my exams.

-OK let's go.

Mix was somewhat quiet and thoughtful along the way ...

-What's wrong with you, young prince? Is something happening?

-Uhmmmm, I don't know. I feel something strange, like a hunch. It's  weird.

-Are you nervous and anxious about the exams? Earth asked him

-No, I studied. It's not that.

- Stop thinking like that, uhmmm. Put those thoughts away. And just focus. Okay?

-Ok I will try to do it. See you later.

- Call me when you finish. Good luck prince!!!

Mix smiled and got out of the vehicle. Without before giving a smile to Earth and ran towards the entrance.

Later when he got home, his parents were waiting for him.

-Mix, honey. Can you join us? His mother told him.

-What's going on?

-I organized some blind dates for you, it's time for you to have a nice socialite girlfriend ... I don't want them to start talking badly about you darling ... you know how the media is.


-Yes, I don't want them to have doubts about your sexuality.

-Could you repeat what you just said?

Mix's blood was rushing to his head, he couldn't stand his mother's words.

When suddenly, Prim enters without knocking ...

-Young Mix, I'm sorry. Excuse me madam for coming in like this. But it's Bach ... I don't know what's wrong with him.

-Bach, my puppy. He immediately ran out to see his beloved dog.

Nobody better to check his health than him.

The dog was lying down, he had vomited several times.

-Prim please find me a blanket, I need to take him to the vet.

Call Earth I need a ride right away ...


Mix knew that if he didn't take it fast. He could die in his arms, he knew he was almost a vet.

When they were going in the direction of the vet, Mix just hugged his puppy, while he cried ... he just holds a little , we are already there Bach. Just wait a little bit more.

He just prayed it wasn't too late for him ...

When they arrived he ran and he immediately entered the veterinary emergency and explained to the vet that he suspected he had, so he accompanied him to do some studies to evaluate what was wrong with Bach ...

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