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'As the voice rang through the open and destroyed field the sins were forced to the ground one by one, First was the sin of lust, followed by sloth, greed, envy and pride, leaving only wrath and gluttony standing'

'Both sins stood shaking and weak, ultimately being forced to their knee's from the spell that had been cast upon them'

"I cant.....move" 'The sin of greed said through his helmet, struggling to try and force himself up off the ground'

"What the this guy?" 'The sin of envy asked as she herself struggled to lift her giant form from the scorched dirt'

"I am beyond your understanding, child" 'The voice rang out as a tall figure began to walk from the flames, his cloak having caught on fire in places'

"You are all strong, that much I can admit." 'The figure said as he walked past the sin of pride'

"But I am beyond strength" 'The figure stated, almost as if he were speaking to the sin below him'

'The figure continued walking, his foot steps imprinting into the tossed up dirt below him, leaving skeletal like footprints'

"I am the end"

"And I have come for you, Meliodas" 'The figure stated as he stopped infront of the captain of the sins, slowly reaching his hand towards him'

'The figure came to a sudden stop before abruptly turning around as a purple burst of energy sailed past him and over the captain's head'

'The sin of gluttony had stood once again, having her left hand raised towards the cloaked figure'

"It would seem you are more resilient than anticipated" 'The figure says tilting his head, causing the hood of his cloak to shift'

"Not exactly" 'The sin of gluttony said as her breathing grew heavy, a crack forming in her armor, leaving both her head and the left side of it to fall to ashes'

'She had a pink glow around her skin, causing the figure to straighten his back'

"A fortification spell" 'The figure says to himself in realization, attempting to move, only to feel a pair of metal clad arms wrap around his midsection'

'The figure quickly looked behind him to find Meliodas keeping him in place, a similar pink glow visible through the cracks in his armor'

"Hold him there captain!" 'Gluttony cried out as purple energy sparked across the skin along her left arm'

'The figure quickly raised his right arm out to the side, revealing it's skeletal form, red energy sparking around it briefly'

'His arm was roughly gripped by the sin of pride, as he had managed to regain his composure'

'Pride struggled to force the skeletal arm to the ground, ultimately being knocked back as a large scythe landed in the skeletal hand'

'As the scythe made contact with him a shockwave erupted underneath the skeletal figure, a pair of red glowing eyes appearing in the darkness of his hood'

'As he readied to swing at the woman infront of him she brought her left arm backwards in a pulling motion'

"REVERSAL!" 'Gluttony cried bringing back the orb of energy she had fired'

'The orb collided with the cloaked figure's back, causing him to stagger forwards as Meliodas lost his grip, falling backwards as the upper half of his armor shattered'

'As the figure fell to his knee's the seven sins seemed to regain their strength as the flames around them started to die off'

"Great shot as always Merlin!" 'Meliodas stated with a thumbs up as he jumped to his feet, earning a smirk from the sin of gluttony'

"Not so tough now" 'The sin of greed said with a chuckle, crossing his arms as he stood beside Merlin'

'The figure stomped as he forced himself to his feet, his eyes flickering as he did so'

"What...have you done?" 'The figure asked in a more human voice as he looked at his hands, watching his skeletal fingers start to turn to dust'

" "Reversal" the spell to reverse and being or matter as far back in its past as the caster's magic allows it. In this case, to before you existed" 'Merlin explained with a cocky smirk, placing a hand on her hip as she did so'

"I'll admit, with you it wont work so simply. Your body ceased to be a long time ago, however your soul will do just fine" 'Merlin states as she narrows her eyes'

'The figure quickly lifts his scythe as dust begins falling from the darkness of his hood, his left eye having gone out like a light'

'Mid swing the figure vanished with his cloak, turning to dust in his entirety'

'With a loud metallic stabbing like noise the scythe stabbed into the ground, It's glowing red markings quickly fading as the scythe itself seemed to turn to stone'

'After a moment Merlin falls to her knees, trying to regain her composure, exhaustion clearly taking over her'

"Are you hurt lady Merlin?" 'The sin of pride asked curiously, earning a shake of Merlin's head'

"No I am quite allright. Just shaken is all" 'Merlin states as she looks to the scythe, a rare pang of fear coming over her'

'Meliodas had stopped next to the scythe, curiously placing his hand on the handle of it, preparing himself'

'With a grunt Meliodas attempted to rip the scythe out of the ground, struggling to do so'

'After a moment Meliodas lost his grip, causing him to fall into a sitting position'

"That didn't work" 'Meliodas stated bluntly, a light chuckle escaping from him as he did so'

*To Be Continued*

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