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The boy's varsity soccer team were still whooping up a storm on the other side of the field. After an intense game of Shirts vs Skins, Shirts had won. The main reason being a young, ironically undermined, freshman on the Shirts team had unleashed his full potential upon the unsuspecting bare chested boys.

By the time Jungkook had scored the fifth goal against the Skins, the team hadn't been puffing their exposed chests out any longer.

Jungkook was the only freshman who'd made it onto the varsity boy's team. But that had made him an easy push over in the eyes of a lot of the big junior and senior boys almost twice his size on the team. I'd watched a few of the earlier practices in sullen silence as Jungkook was often benched or outright bullied around by the other guys during drills.

But today's scrimmage, the defining practice that would be deciding the lineup for the kick off game this weekend, Jungkook had finally decided it was time to roast some Korean asses with flourished seasoning.

I'd snuck in to watch the scrimmage with a few other students— mainly girls— and had felt both pride and yes, a little...green, at the many remarks of the girls who'd been sitting around me on the bleachers regarding Jungkook.

"Too bad he wasn't on the skin team," one of the girls had giggled. "I would've loved to see his full bare body."

Alright fine. I felt more than a little green with envy at that remark.

After destroying the other team, the doe-eyed boy had seemingly disappeared amidst the sweaty soccer boys. I'd decided it was my cue to leave and began hopping down the bleachers as the other girls continued giggling behind me. I didn't know where Jungkook was anymore and had just rounded the corner—


A squeak of shock escaped me as large lenses loomed in my face.

A shutter went off.

My wide eyes quickly dissolved into a scowl. The shutter went off a second time to capture my glower, before finally lowering to reveal a grinning bunny tooth smiling boy behind it. "Oops. Did I startle you, chipmunk?"

"Shouldn't you be out with the other boys?" I grumbled, annoyed at  the undignified squeak that had escaped me moments before.

Jungkook only shrugged, still grinning as he quickly examined the photos he'd taken of me. It was rather funny: the expensive camera in his hands while he still wore his practice jersey and sweat plastered his hair against his forehead.

"Delete those." I wrinkled my nose at the ugly pictures. "There's gotta be some rule on taking nonconsensual photos of someone."

"Aw, but I know how to catch all your angles, chipmunk." He shot me a wink.

What is with this boy today? I cleared my throat, hoping to steer the subject elsewhere. "So you seemed to do pretty well on the field." 'Pretty well' was an understatement. Jungkook had kicked absolute ass. "Does that mean you're playing in the kick off game?"

"Yep. I'm now officially on the lineup now."

"That's quite the feat. You sure you can keep up with the big boys?" I teased.

At that, he looked up. I found myself backing up as he took daring steps towards me, a dark smirk blooming across his lips. I only stopped when I felt the bars of the bleachers press against my back. My eyes widened when he grabbed a bar right above my ear so that he had me half trapped with an arm. 

"Without question," he answered. "I have something they don't."

"A Nikon D3500?"

"Stamina," he whispered in a low voice, eyes burning into mine. "I can go all day and all night without tiring, baby."

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