Hi! Year 1 (page1)

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"[Y/N] come on where gonna be late to the train" Tonks yelled grabbing some of your bags "im going as fast as i can" Tonks grabbed your arm and ran out you ended up at the hogwarts express "do i have to go what if they call me weird since im a metamorphmagus" she looked at you with sad eyes "you know i went here right and i was a metamorphmagus no one called me weird i had so many friends but a down side was that i was a half blood but i promise no one will call you weird" you look at her and smiled "gotta go mom love you" you give her a kiss on the cheek "love you too dont forget Amora" you grab your pet toad and run towards the train and get on their you find a cart with 1 person in it "d-do you mind if i sit here" you ask the boy "n-no not at all" you sit down "hi im [Y/N] Tonks" you say to him reaching out your hand as if you wanted to shake hands "im Neville longbottom" you look over to what he is holding he is holding a toad "whats their name" you point at his toad "this is Trevor i lose him often" you see Neville hand start to slip his toad starts to jump away you catch him before he could get to far you walk back and had him back "here you go" he takes his toad back "thanks"

You soon arrive at hogwarts and see a girl with big puffy brunette hair go up first, the sorting hat yells "GRYFFINDOR!" a few more people go up then you see a boy with blond slick hair go up "SLYTHERIN!" after a few more people go then you see Neville go up you smile at him "GRYFFINDOR!" you clap and smile while he walks to his table Prof McGonagall then calls up your name "[Y/N] Tonks!" you walk up "Mom was in hufflepuff so ill be in hufflepuff" you sit down he dosent say anything to you and he says "RAVENCLAW" you werent sad you were happy you sit down at your table next to a girl "hi!" you say to her "hi" she says in a soft tone of voice "im [Y/N]" she looks up and smile "im Luna you dont have any wrackspurst most 1st years have them" she says looking up with glasses on 

After dumbledor gives his speech and the feast is over a girl tells all the ravenclaw to follow them "I am Penelope Clearwater i am your prefect you will have to remember are password so you can get in and out of our common room" you all walk up to the door of the common room "into nonbeing, witch, to say everything" Penelope says and you all walk in the common room "if you go up those stairs you will find your dormitory is  on the left and the boys on the right is the girls all your stuff is by your bed" you look at her and then walk up the stairs with Luna "look we are right next to each other" she smiles and looks up at you "yeah it seems nice" she says in her same soft tone you put all your stuff away and walk out of the common room to go to your first class potions "Your late Ms.tonks by 5 minutes and 36 seconds" says a tall man with black hair to his shoulders "Sorry prof......" he looks at you your hair turned orange "sorry i forgot your name" he scoffs "for a ravenclaw you do forget alot i am prof snape" you smile "thank you prof snape" you go and sit down at your seat 

TBC... (635 words)

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