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He slooshed water on his face once he brushed his teeth. The livings on his face fell. It was like he could hear them cussing him. He threw off the grey towel that was drying his face before it finishes. With a drop of water dripping from the tip of his nose, he ran upstairs, to his room to bath. He doesn't bath alone, but with 5 tiny livings.

He could hear his mom calling him for breakfast. He put on a mustard-yellow T-shirt and maroon trousers, rushed to the kitchen, ignoring his mom's words, he took two slices of bread and applied butter on them. Forcing the buttered bread into his mouth, he came out of his home and started walking down the street.

Andy's street wasn't much crowded on that Wednesday morning. Walking, he took M&M's candies and tossed them one by one into his mouth. He was obsessed with those candies since childhood, especially the yellow ones.

Raydon Jolt, the 21-years old guy reached John's avenue, opened the door of the internet centre, where he had been working for the past two years. The owner of the centre usually comes at 9.30 in the morning.

There weren't any worker at that centre except Raydon and Eddy Wilson, as those kinds of centres had gone out of demand. Only a few were coming to the centre for internet-related queries and helps.

Eddy left his job at the centre as he continued his master's degree in a regular shift to focus better. Raydon was continuing his job only because of the request from his owner, Mr. Jen Hills. And also because of Raydon's love for working with computers since high school.

He turned the 'Closed' board hung on the entrance door to 'Open'.

"OPEN," one of the tiny living on Raydon's face squeaked.

He cleaned the centre as it was left uncleaned for almost a week. An old man entered the centre with a paper in his hand.

Raydon was asked by the old man to help him send a mail to his son who was working in France. Raydon got the paper from the old man, typed it as a mail and sent it to the mail address that was scribbled on that paper.

The old man paid, thanked him and left the centre. It was 10 am, while the owner entered the centre. He handed a few data documents to Raydon and asked him to check on them. Mr.Hills takes up some simple computer-based works for developing companies. Raydon helps him with it. That day, Raydon was to check on the excel sheets for an electronic company.

In the afternoon, Raydon went to his neighbour's home to help her with her personal computer. He set it up for her and was teaching her the basics of operating the computer.

"Whee!!" the tiny living from Raydon's nose slid down and fell on the keyboard and started smashing the keyboard.

"Let's get off from him," another tiny creature slid down and ran towards the bookshelf and climbed on it.

The neighbour lady was keen on learning about the computer, so she didn't mind those little ones.

Within a while, all those tiny beings were off from Raydon.

"What are you doing?" the lady screamed as one of them jumped on her head and started picking her hairs.

They started throwing off papers and were making squeaking noises.

"Can't they stop mischieving?" the lady shouted at Raydon.

"Oh-sorry, I'll-I'll just take them away," Raydon picked them up and went out of her home.

"I'll come and teach you tomorrow," he said to the lady while leaving.

"Don't ever bring those wee pranksters again," the lady shouted from her window.

"You knew that I can't come without them," Raydon chuckled away.

He put those cute little ones into his sling bag and closed it.

"No-no-open, Ray," sniffy, the nose being jumped from inside the bag.

"We are sorry for that, Ray," one of the peekies, the eye men said.

"Oh-we can't breathe, Ray. If we faint, not us, but you'll have to worry," one of the rookies, the ear men said, chortling.

"Okay-okay. Can you guys please shut your ruddy mouths?" Raydon took them out and put them back onto his face.

They are the SNOOPERS. They are the sense beings of Raydon- Peekies, the eye men help him with seeing, Heedies, the ear men help him with hearing and Sniffy lives in his nose.

It may sound weird. But, yes. Raydon lives with those five tiny sense beings. If those tiny ones sleep, Raydon's senses would stop working fine.

Raydon is different from the others living in his place. His sense beings are weird and so he is.

"We too have sense beings. But, they are not like yours. They just stay in and do their jobs," the neighbour lady often mocks at Raydon.

The Snoopers often peek at other people and spy on them. Then, they'll tell Raydon about those funny incidents, fights among neighbours and teen dramas. Raydon had warned them many times not to do such things. But, they won't listen to him. They are the funniest creatures, but the best. They are very kind and loving too.

Raydon went to his room with his favourite cup noodles and working with something on his laptop.

"You eat everything yourself and not feed us," Sniffy jumped on his bed, followed by the others.

"Yeah, give us some too," the Heedies said, hopping.

Raydon took the M&M's candies from his pocket and gave them.

"Hey, Chunky," Raydon went to his puppy pug and took it to his bed.

"Hey, I'm Peeka and he is Boo," the girl Peekie came in front of Chunky.

This is the first time Chunky seeing those Snoopers.

"Myself Rook and he is Hark. We are the Heedies," Rook said his turn.

"Ahchoo," both Sniffy and Raydon sneezed.

"The puppy's fur-it's allergic. I'm-Sniffy," he said, wiping his nose, which was too small to notice.

"Okay, guys. Let him go down," Raydon said, taking Chunky downstairs.

After a while, Raydon came up to his room, "Oh-guys. I shouldn't have left you alone here," he slammed the door as he walked in.

"Oh-Ohh," the Snoopers said in unison.



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