There goes my life.

11 0 0

October 3rd/ 2012

"Brandon?" I turned my head to see my curly haired bestfriend texting someone.

"Yea?" He looked up from his phone.

"I think I'm pregnant.." I looked down to my lap.

"Why?" His adorably innocent smile turned to worry.

"Because I missed my period..and I've been throwing up a lot lately."

"Have you taken a test?"

"No.." I shook my head.

"Well we've gotta get one!!" He stood up and grabbed his car keys. "Come on."

Brandon nodded his head towards the door. And I stood up.

We drove to the pharmacy in silence. And when we got there we sat in the car in silence.

"I'm not going in there.." He said.

"Me neither," I said my hands shaking.

"You have to. I don't know what to get." He said.

"Just ask the pharmacist." I answered.

"No. I'm not going in. You have to."

"Fine." I unfastened my seat belt, opened the door and got out, my knees felt weak. I walked a few feet, remembering I forgot my purse at home. I opened the door again. "I don't have any money on me."

In silence Brandon took out his wallet and handed me his bank card. "6767" he mumbled.

I closed the door again and stood there for a minute trying to gain the confidence to walk in the store labeled in big neon lights "Karen's Drugs"

The door was heavy and cold. The smell that drifted into my nose the second I stepped in smelt like shoe leather and news papers.

I walked down the first row that held the shampoo and body wash, then the second in which was found condoms, lube and conveniently pregnancy tests and diapers. I picked up 3 of the cheapest ones there and one really expensive one, just to be sure, they were all packaged in pink boxes with the picture of the test on it and the expensive one had a smiling couple holding their positive test in their hands. I felt sick to my stomach.

I walked back up the aisle to the cash which seemed to take me an hour. Once I finally reached the cash I set the testes down. The lady behind the counter that smelt of cigarettes and cheap perfume with lip stick 3 shades too dark gave me a disappointed look.

"That'll be 52.38." She said in a thick Jersey accent.

"Debit." I replied, barley making the word leave my mouth.

"What's that sweetie?" She growled.

I just lifted up Brandon's card and she pointed to the machine. "Swipe towards you."

Brandon's pin left my mind for a minute and I stared blankly at the machine. '6767' I remembered and typed in.

"Have a good day." The woman said insincerely as she handed me my receipt.

I staggered my way out of Karen's Drugs and back to Brandon's car.

"Took you long enough!" He said starting his car back up.

"I...I...I got 4." Is all I could make myself say.

"FOUR!?! Why four!?"


Brandon groaned. "Do you think it's Jacob's?"

"What is that suppose to mean!?" I raised my voice slightly.


"It's obviously his kid, do you think I'm a slut!?" I was kind of freaking out.

"I was know, you guys have been broken up for a while..that's all." He said as we pulled into the driveway.

I got out without a word and headed straight for the house and into the bathroom. I carefully unboxed all four tests and laid them on the floor in front of the toilet. I unbuttoned my shorts and sat on the toilet. The directions said to pee directly on the foam part, and that's what I did. With all four tests and carefully covered the peed on ends with the pink covers and placed them in a row on the counter. The box read "And wait 5 minutes for your results."

That was the longest five minutes of my life.


Authors Note (:

Hey! This is my second story, and lets hope I finish this one. I just wanna say thanks to anyone who actually reads my story and such, comment and tell me what you think. xoxoxo-Jordie <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2012 ⏰

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