#24 Fade Away

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   William stands tall and straight as soon as he notices the notorious man approaching him with a teasing smirk on his face.

   "Wow, who is this?" Freddy tilts his head, looking at William from top to bottom with full interest. "Your boyfriend, Emily?" he then turns at Emily and walks closer to her despite William pulling her arm so that she stands behind him.

   Upon hearing Freddy's assumption, Emily feels like rolling her eyes and folding her arms haughtily, if it is not for the fact that she is in a dire situation where she doubts that she might escape without being in a critical condition or much worse, dead.

   "All right, enough with the introduction. I just want to get straight to the point," Freddy pulls out something from the back of his trousers and Emily flinches at the sight of it.

   Freddy recklessly lifts up his gun and waves it, showing it off. At the same time, Emily observes his behaviour which shows that he is indeed drunk. When he stands close to her, his breath gives off an overpowering stench of alcohol, which reminds her of her late mother when she used to be like this.

   "Kill that boy first," Freddy breaks the silence with his deep voice. "Do whatever you want. Stab him, slit his throat. You have the knife. Just make sure he is dead."

   Emily and William simultaneously turn around, realising that Freddy was referring to Thomas. Their eyes dilate when the knife merely pierces through the skin of Thomas' neck, dripping some blood on his shirt. He looks down with his eyes shut whilst gritting his teeth, repressing the stab of pain from the pointed knife that begins to jab deeper into the source of his breathing. He glances at Emily and William, seemingly sending them his final farewell.

   Maybe Emily should not intervene as it could imperil herself, but she cannot hold it in any longer as she can practically feel the same pain as Thomas. Without thinking twice, she lunges herself towards Thomas and the man, alarming them.

   "No!!" she reaches out her arms, almost gripping Thomas' shirt before she accidentally slips, so she decides to just push the man with all her might until he loses his balance and lands on his back. She trips over the thick tree root and Thomas quickly catches her waist, making her fall onto him and not on the man instead.

   There are angry voices around and Emily braces herself as she thinks that Freddy must have wanted to shoot her. However, she hears a sound of gunshots coming from another direction, so she peels her cheek off Thomas' chest and looks front. There is a man hiding behind a tree and shooting at Freddy and his men. Who is that?

   "Come on, get up. Let's go!" William rushes towards the twins and urges them to get off the snowy ground.

   "Who is that?" asks Emily.

   "Who cares? Let's just get out of here!" Thomas says before spotting the knife which has his blood on its tip and picks it up.

   The three of them sprint off, all thanks to the mysterious man who distracts Freddy and his henchmen. And he manages to shoot down two of them!

   "Boss, they're running away!"

   That voice makes them run even faster whilst dodging the tree trunks, branches and roots until the sight of a log cabin comes into their view.

   This is just like the last time, the day they rescued Emily a year ago. The difference is that the previous one is located near a lake, but this one is in the middle of a snowy forest.

   William tries to open the door, but it is locked, so he pounds it in frustration.

   "Maybe this house has a back door," Thomas says and Emily follows him to the back of the log cabin while William waits at the threshold. When they walk at the left side of the house, they notice that all the windows are locked and covered in curtains. Unfortunately, the back door is also cannot be opened from the outside. The twins try to ram the door with their bodies, and yet it does not budge, for it is quite firm, hard and sturdy.

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