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Kara: *holds up a poster* What is this? 

Lena: Nothing, I was simply trying to help. 

The poster: My wife and I lost our bitch ass dog again, she's ugly as fuck, the dog, not my wife, my wife is the hottest woman to ever live but she's mine so don't get near her. Kara and I still love the dog though. Plus I already bought her accessories and I don't want to return the shit. Please bring the damn dog back or my wife and her sister and her sister-in-law will lose it, they also love the dog. The dog's name is Super Señorita Potsticker of Woofers because my wife acts like a literal child even though she's a shit ton of years older than me, not that it's gross, it's a long story. Thank you. 

Kara: Mhm. 

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