Mabey getting drunk isn't a bad thing

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I am using Brant Daugherty to be Max so now you have an idea how he looks I will put a picture of him in the next chapter
Enjoy the chapter.
*Sam* 💞😘💞

(Sams pov)
I look inside the room and it was beautiful. There were candels set up,the lights were off,and roses were set all around.

"Liam you IDOT she wasn't supposed to see the room!" A girl shouted

I turned around to see two girls. One was blond with pink tips and the other had long brown hair.

"Liam who are they." I asked

"Oh yeah this is Danielle my girlfriend and Perrie Zayns girlfriend" Liam smiled

The girls waved and dragged me into Zayns room.

"Okay my boyfriend is an idiot who can't follow directions so the suprise is ruined, but we can still get you ready!" Danielle giggled

"Zayn and Harry went out to get some stuff so we can get to know each other"

*couple minutes later*
I learned that Danielle is a dancer and Perrie is a singer. They have been dating the boys for a while and are REALLY funny.

"Zayn texted me he and Harry are on there way we have to get you ready."

Perrie pulled out 4 dresses but there was one I couldn't get my eyes off.

(Nialls Pov)
Rachel and I had gone out in public and the paps went crazy. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

I kept a happy face kissing and hugging Rachel but my heart is still set on one girl.

"Come on Niall you are so slow I need a new necklace chops chop" Rachel whined

I trailed behind her when I saw a necklace that reminded me of Sam and Jannah.

It was a magnetic two peice necklace that said partners in crime. I grabbed it and paid for it before Rachel could see.

She continued to browse around the store picking up stuff and making weird facial expressions.

I was becoming very impatient and walked out of the store.


I flinched from her screaming and shrugged

"You just left me in the store do you know how embarrassing that is"

I ignored her and headed out towards the car when I got a text from Louis

Louis: Going clubbing need some alcohol Liam and Zayn are in u?

Niall: sure

I texted Louis and Rachel being the snoop she is saw the text and started debating what to wear.

(Sams pov)

I had picked out a dress it was light pink with an zipper that was from my stomachs to me chest leaving some of my chest exposed.

I also had white heels and my hair was wavy two braids tied back. The makeup was light with some eyeshadow and pink lipstick.

"OMG you look amaZAYN don't tell Zayn I said that!" Giggled Perrie

We all talked a bit when we heard the door open and Liam walked into the room

"Harry's here and the rest of us are going to go clubbing. Hey Sam do you think Jannah would like to come?"

"Yeah you should call her and if she says yes Daniele and Perrie could you give her one of the dresses to wear?"

They both knodded and left.

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