Chapter 1

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Finnick's pov

BING!BING!BING! And there rings my alarm clock. I sigh and rise out of my bed, getting ready for my first day of Panem High School. 

My name is Finnick Odair. Everyone around me says that I am a looker, but I personally don't think so.  I usually get stares because of it and I wish for once that people will start to like me because of my personality. Well, I guess I know why I get these stares though. I have a tall lean but muscled body like swimmers (which I kinda am). 

Anyway, as usual, I shower, wear my cloth, and brush my teeth. I stagger toward the breakfast table to already find my little brother, Nico there. He throws me a box of cereal, which I obviously could not catch, and cause me to spill it all over myself. I say, "Why isn't this a pleasant morning already", dripping with sarcasm. Nico, not noting my sarcasm, scared says, "Finnick, don't you need to go now?". 

I check the time on my watch and see it is already 8:10! "Ahh! Fu** it!", I swear. I drink my milk in one gulp and get my bag.  My father says, "Do you need a ride?", but I just run out, not answering his question. Noticing that it is a little rude, after a second, I say, "No thank you."

I rush to school and arrive at school at 8:25, not late, but not early either. The first day of school, late already with cereals already spilled over my t-shirt (btw, I changed my t-shirt). How bad can this day be, right? or can it?

Katniss's pov

My name is Katniss Everdeen. My mother got into a depression since my father died in a car accident, so Prim and I had been taking care of ourselves ever since. I know. Depressing, right?

I wake up screaming Prim's name as always, getting a nightmare, and wake up, dripping in sweat. I take a shower and get ready for school. I wake up Prim, my sister and we eat in comfortable silence. Suddenly, Prim asks, "CanyoudrivemetoRue'stodayplease?" in such a hurry that I couldn't hear her. I say back, "Can you say it more slowly?" Prim sighs and utters, "Can you ...umm... drive Rue's today please?". "Ummm...Fine", I sighed. 

When I walked into school, I find my locker and find my best friends, Madge, Gale, Peeta, and Annie. I kissed Peeta and saw Gale and Madge do the same too. Annie sighs and mutters so sadly, "Always the solo one... " that we all start laughing.  We check each other's schedule and see that it is all the same. 'What a coincidence...', I think. 


Art - Effie Trinket

 Math - Wiress

Science - Beetee


English - Haymitch Abernathy

P.E - Enobaria and Brutus

Music - Cinna

End of school

(A/U Okay. I know that Wiress in math and Beetee in science is a bit weird)

We all walk into the art classroom. Peeta gets so into art that his eyes become almost too noticeable. (Or only to me..Hmmm..) I get mesmerized by Peeta's sparkling eyes. It is so pure and full of hap...I come into reality as I see Peeta shaking his hand in front of my face. "Sorry...Peeta", I utter. Blushing, I regain posture and start to paint. Suddenly, there is a bang and someone walks in the door. 

Annie's pov

Gale, Madge, and I laugh at Katniss's little show with Peeta when I hear a bang and someone coming in the door. When I see who it is,  I was just amazed. I didn't really be amazed by his appearance (like other popular girls), but his eyes. His eyes were a mesmerizing color of blue/green and were swarming with feelings and it felt like you can tell his feeling by seeing his eyes. As usual, I just needed to fall into him. 


I will be continuing

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