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Helloo! Yet another short story I wrote for Power of the Pen! Only this one I wrote today for the District Competition. Out of about 200 writers from around the fine state that I live in, I was placed as the 5th best writer (hold the applause ;) )! This story was ranked as the best out of the 6 stories my judge read, so it was nominated for best of round. Sadly, I didn't win, but I did get 5th and my team placed 2nd overall so I'm ok with it :)

Prompt: Write about somewhere you'd rather be.


Golden sunlight flooded m bedroom and it landed on my beeping alarm clock. I could hear the sounds of happy birds chirping outside and my dad making breakfast in the kitchen.

I couldn't return the joy that was everywhere around me.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked to my left. The bottle of pills was empty, as was the tall glass that was once filled with water.

Beep-beep, beep-beep my alarm clock went on and on as I stood up and grogily trudged out of my bedroom. Who cares about anything anymore? Mom would just turn it off for me later.

I walked into he neighbouring bathroom, not even pausing to look at my ugly face, body, and hair. I'd had enough of looking at that thing called "Natalie." As I was constantly reminded, she was fat, pimply, and had terrible split ends. I hated myself as much as everyone else did.

I washed my hands with my head bent down over the sink, the sound of the water falling into the basin almost covered up the beep-beepof my alarm clock. As the water rolled over my unusually pale hand, I glanced around the bathroom. Blue tiles on the walls and seashell crown moldings were what made up the bathroom. I hated it.

My parents loved the beach, and for a while, I did too. But when I turned 14, the weight came and I no longer had the strength to put on a bathing suit without crying for hours when I got home due to the disgust some people gave to me as I strutted around in my bikini.

I longed for heaven every day. Paradise, as some called it. Where no one would care how many zits were on my nose or what my jeans size was. There I would live away from the taunting remarks of my peers and finally know hat it's like to be happy on a daily basis.

I needed heaven.

I glanced into the mirror just to see if my appearance had magically changed over night.

I nearly fainted because it had.

My chubby body wasn't visible in the mirror. In fact, nothing was except for the bathroom. Natalie wasn't there. I didn't exist.

I looked down at my arms. My fingers were like pale-white sausages instead of tan like they usually were. I leaned against the counter and my hip went through it a few inches.

I felt the already small amount of color in my face drain out.

"Natalie, dear," I heard mom's voice come out of her room and get closer as she came down the hall, "I realize it's a Wednesday, but you need to get up!"

Horror struck me. No reflection, falling through furniture, being completely and utter pale...

I rushed to my room, running through mom as I entered the door frame and as she let out a deafening scream.

My body lay lifeless on my bed. The pill bottle and cup layig next to me. The alarm clock beeping as the jaws music of mu suicide.

"Tom! Tom!" Mom screamed, rushing over to my bedside, "Tom! Get up here quick!"

Footsteps thundered up the stairs and my dad appeared in the room, his tie only partially tied and lopsided around his neck.

"Honey, what's the-" he grew almost as pale as me as he stared at my body.

Slowly, he walked over to mom, who was now sobbing, and he put his arm around her, his eyes locked on my lifeless figure.

Grief, pity, and guilt swept over me all at once, "Mom! Dad!" I shouted, "I'm still here! Just look behind you!"

Why did I do this? I asked myself, How could I do this to them?

Mom and Dad never turned. They listened to the sound of my ever-beeping alarm clock and the tears rolling down their faces. Their only daughter was taken by death, and left without one last goodbye.

A warmth unlike any other engulfed me. It had a power in it that couldn't be put to words. My feet lifted slowly off the ground...

"No!" I shouted to no one, "No! I want to stay here! I can't leave my family like this!"

As my spirit flew towards the heavens, I heard one last Beep goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2012 ⏰

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