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❝You aren't looking so hot.❞ ❝Maybe you should sit down.❞
❝I think I need to sit down.❞

❝Just take it easy today.❞
❝No – no. We're going home, right now.❞

❝Can we leave?❞

❝You just threw up 3 times, you're not fine!❞
❝I'm fine. I think I'm done now.❞

❝Just let me take care of you. Why are you so stubborn?❞
❝We're going to the pharmacy and then we're going home.❞
❝My stomach isn't feeling so great.❞
❝I think my stomach is trying to digest itself.❞

❝I think I just need some sleep.❞

❝Will you stay with me tonight?❞

❝I don't want to get you sick.❞
❝You're gonna get me sick!❞
❝Holy shit, you're burning up.❞
❝I can't stop sweating.❞
❝I can't stop shivering.❞
❝Are you ever not sick?❞
❝How the hell are you still conscious right now? Your temp is almost 104.❞

❝Urgent care or ER? Those are your two options. We're not staying here.❞

❝Do you want some tea?❞
❝I made you some tea.❞

❝I'm losing my voice.❞

❝I couldn't get any sleep last night, I can't breathe out of my nose.❞
❝Oh my god, you sound like Roz from Monsters Inc!❞

❝Bathroom. Now.❞
❝Bed. Now.❞
❝I'm not taking that medicine, it's disgusting.❞

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