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I was in the back, getting ready to perform tonight. I walked out of my dressing room in a sexy black transparent dress paired with a black thong and heels. "Oh Yerin~ you look great!" My best friend Hyejin said. "Thank you, you look good to. Is he coming tonight?" Hyejin's face started to turn red, making me smile. "Just be careful,ok?" She nodded. "Well I'm up next, see you later Yerinnie." Hyejin hugged me before she left the room, leaving me alone.

I sat as I started fixing my hair, when my manger Wooyoung walked in. "Well don't you look beautiful." I looked up at him, through the mirror, and made I contact with him . I smiled at him before I rolled my eyes. Wooyoung started walking towards me as I continued fixing myself. "Someone has requested you."

His words caught my full attention.

"Is it that guy from last night?" I sighed when he nodded. "You don't have to go if you don't want to. I know how you feel about this job." I looked up at Wooyoung with sympathetic eyes. To be honest, becoming a stripper wasn't always my ideal job but my mother now has brain cancer, so to pay for everything I got this job. I get paid around $2,000 a night, including private dances. "It's fine. I'll go." I told him reassuringly as I got up from my chair. Wooyoung smiled at me and pulled into a hug. "Your really the best," He sighed before he contined. "Now get ready to go on cause your up next!" Wooyoung playfully hit me arm. I giggled as I walked out of the the room. 'Ah~how much I love that guy..' I thought to myself.

As I danced I locked eyes with someone.

'The guy from last night'

Yes as I dance I do lock eyes with alot of people but something about his gaze was...capturing to me. After my dance I collected the money that was thrown at me and made my way to the clubs private rooms. Right as I walked into the room, I was met with slow soothing music and dim red lighting. "Well you look sexy~" A deep voice whispered into my ear. 'Play along Yerin..' I turned around with a slay smirk on my face. "I could say the same to you stranger." I pulled the stranger to the empty chair in the room and pushed him down in it.

"Just relax." I softly said. I started so seductively move my hips to the music in the background. "Wait um-" He placed his hands gently on my shoulders as he slightly pushed me away. "Don't be nervous its-" I was cut off by him.

"I'm not here to receive a dance from you." His words left me in confusion. "Then why did you pay for a private dance?" He laughed a little as he fixed his glasses. "Cause um...I actually work as a manager at a Film studio. We need a female lead and I think you would be perfect for it."

'Being in a movie is wow'

I looked dumbfounded at the man in front of me. "Are you serious?" I smiled as he nodded his head. "Yes of course. I think you will be amazing at it. Would you like to do it?"

"Huh....I'm not sure..." I said uneasy about the situation. "That's fine! Just think about it and call me when you have an answer." He placed a paper card in my hand then left. I sighed as I flopped into the chair. "Wah...what am I going to do?" Just then, my phone started to ring.

I took my phone out of my heel strap, looking at the caller ID. 'The hospital? Did something happen?'

Yerin: Hello?
Front Desk Lady: Am I speaking to Jung Yerin?
Yerin: Yes, I'm Jung Yerin. Is there something wrong with my mother?
Front Desk Lady: Actually I'm calling to inform you that your mother's bill has gone up. She was been receiving extra care for her cancer.
Yerin: So how much will I be paying?
Front Desk Lady: $1,500
'But rent is $450...How will I live off of $50?'
Yerin: A-are you sure?
Front Desk Lady: Yes Ms. Jung. Is it going to be a problem for you to pay the bill?
Yerin: No miss....I'll pay it as soon as possible.
Front Desk Lady: Ok have a nice day!
Yerin: You to

And with that I hung up the phone. "How will I make extra money?" I stressed as I buried my face in my hands. Just then, Wooyoung walked into the room.

"You ok Yerin? I saw that guy leave." Wooyoung said as he crouched down in front of me. "Yeah I'm fine. I just got a call from the hospital. They raised my mom's bill." Wooyoung gave me a sincere look. "I wish I could give you a raise but I don't think the supervisor would allow it." Wooyoung gently grabbed my hand and made small circles with his thumb. "It's fine. I'll find a way to make extra cash."

Since my shift was over I changed my clothes and left the club. As I walked in the night I keep thinking of ways to make extra cash. I gasped aloud out of realization as I pulled the tiny paper card from my pocket.

Right as I walked into my front door, I threw my purse down and flopped on my couch, dialing the number from the card, placing the phone to my ear as it rung.

???: Hello?
Yerin: Is this....Jeon Wonwoo?
Wonwoo: Yes it is~ did you think about my offer?
Yerin: Yeah huh- I'll do it since I need extra money but I have a question.
Wonwoo: Ask away baby
Yerin: What type of films do you film at your studio? Is it Action? Comedy?
Suddenly I heard Wonwoo laughing on the other line.
Yerin: What's so funny?
Wonwoo: Oh baby, We don't film any of that. We film porn sweety. We are a porn business.
I deadass almost choked on air.
'Literally what the FUCK!'
Yerin: You asked me to be in a porno?! I-I No!
Wonwoo: But don't you need extra money?
Yerin: I'll get a job at a local store then!
Wonwoo: ok enjoy making minimum wage. I was gonna pay you $700 just for one film bu-
Yerin: $700?! Are you serious?
Wonwoo: Yeah, I get that you need money to survive. Also if you were to film for us, you will be filming with the best porn star in Seoul.
I bit down on my bottom lip as I thought about the offer at hand.
'It can't be that bad it's just sex!'
Yerin: I...I'll do it.
I could just feel Wonwoo smirk through the phone.
Wonwoo: Good choice baby~ Come it the HitBang Studio at 9 tomorrow.
Yerin: ok see you there.
And with that, I hung up the phone. "Ugh! What a day~"

Wonwoon's POV

Immediately after Yerin hung up, I called Taehyung.

Taehyung: Hello?
Wonwoo: Come to the studio tomorrow at 9. I found someone who is gonna bring us a fortune.

Hi! This is the first chapter of my new book. Is it good? Did y'all enjoy? I'm not good at Grammar checking so sorry if there are some. Stay safe and have a nice day bye💕

 Stay safe and have a nice day bye💕

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