☆28. New Life☆

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double update as a new year gift 💜

It was probably so long to even count the hours and the boys haven't even eaten a single bite of food, they were hungry and going restless on what to do next, they were constantly calling hoseok which was switched off. That's when they heard the sudden noises from the back side of that abondend hospital. It was pitch black and to say boys got scared would be an understatement.

"Namjoon my stomach is empty and I can't even walk properly so don't ask me to run this time" Seokjin said going behind Jimin to hide himself.

"Now what is this ? did police found us that we're here or don't tell me those gangsters found us, shit we can't even hide now !" Jimin said getting panicked while even Namjoon got scared.

They saw a group of men in black suits surrounding them and standing still while a man who seemed their boss walks towards them. They couldn't even run and now why these people were here in the first place ? But the man who was giving boss vibes was a Korean and even his right hand was even speaking Korean with him.

"aren't you three the famous murderers roaming freely in Paris city ?" the man with sharp manly features asked them and the boys didn't spoke anything, seeing this he continued "don't worry we are not here to harm you, I just need to ask few quest...

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"aren't you three the famous murderers roaming freely in Paris city ?" the man with sharp manly features asked them and the boys didn't spoke anything, seeing this he continued "don't worry we are not here to harm you, I just need to ask few questions is that okay ?" He asks in a demanding tone while the trio nodded plainly in response.

"If I'm not wrong currently you need help and it seems like you don't have any other option" the man asked twirling his gun around his finger tips.

"Look mister we are already fucked up and as far as I know we didn't even bothered you at the first place, so just leave us alone" Jimin said more like raised his voice at the adult infront of him.

"I really like your attitude boy, raising your voice even after seeing gun in my hands and these men around you, you are bold and fearless that's what I need" That unknown man said with a impressed look shown on his face.

"what you want from us and who are you ?" this time Namjoon asked and that man walked towards the boys.

"Look here boys I don't like to twist things unnecessarily so I will go straight to the point. The bar in which you were dragged I saw you guys beating those jerks and running away easily from that security. you three are really different and have a powerful potentiality so I want you to work for me" He said and the boys jaw dropped to the floor in shock.

"what kind of work ? and out of all the people why are you even offering us your help ?" Jimin asked doubting on the man's intentions.

"I need best weapons for me which doesn't need to be trained and you three are just like a treasure. I don't need to waste my time to train you, secondly you are koreans and I felt to help you, don't you think it's a win - win situation boy, work for me and you can leave a free and luxurious life. Even you won't be a target of police" the man explained while the three of them looked at each other not knowing what to do.

"We need time.... atleast few mins to discuss... please will you allow us ?" Seokjin asked and that's when they left the boys giving the time to discuss.

"I don't trust this man, he looks like a leader of some mafia or gang" Jin said telling about his doubt.

"But he's offering us to help, don't you think we should agree ?" Namjoon asked.

"why is he helping us ? he could have got any other poeple" Seokjin again disagrees.

"But hyung he said since we are from same country he wanted to help us, besides he is not helping us for free we have to work for him" Namjoon tried to explain.

"work ? what kind of work getting ourselves in crimes ? are you guys crazy it's basically turning oursleves into gangsters !" Seokjin shouts at both of his best friends.

"Then what you want to do ? please tell us who will help us ? you know the situation we are in right now we can even beg on streets and we can't even contact our families, atleast he is saving our life. Don't you want to be alive hyung ? or do you want to die at this young age starving to death in this abondend hospital !" Jimin explains to his hyung while Namjoon was already in for the plan.

"Hyung we are helpless, we are doing this just to stay alive this is the only option we have, police are searching for us crazily and those gangsters might be stop looking for us, we don't even know how to speak french so tell me what's wrong if we are going to commit crimes ? just to live, in order to survive". Namjoon said this time while Jin sighs heavily finally agreeing with his best friends to be a part of gang, they were actually going to be gangsters now. How the fate changed upside down look at them getring involved in crimes at such a tender age just to survive in this world.

"I will agree but only on one condition, we are going to call my father one last time, if it's still switched off then I'm with you" Jin said and grabbed the stolen phone to call hoseok one last time. But to their disappointment it was of no use.

"Appa said me not to show my face until I turn eighteen right ? then I promise me and Namjoon won't even bother to reach them but you can go to hobi uncle once every thing settles hyung we won't stop you" Jimin said about the decision what he and Namjoon made, thats how they ended up being gangsters just to survive in this world, who didn't had any choice they were helpless at the game played by their destiny.

"So what's your decision boys, I won't force you if you don't need my help I will leave besides I have already wasted my time enough" the man asked to the boys.

"We are ready to work for you but we don't want police or others to get us please look after for our safety" Namjoon requests politely and the man walks towards them.

"I'm Ji chang wook leader of Phoenix clan and you three are going to be a part of it.  Make sure to decide a new surname or you can even change your names. We will make your fake identities. Taemin explain them everything what they have to do and don't worry about your security" Chang wook orders his righthand and drove in his black Lamborghini.

"so are you going to change your name since you got really famous around here or just changing surname is enough ? but you have to decide a code name as you are going to be a part of our gang" Taemin asked them while they looked at Jimin insisting him to suggest something.

"How about all three of us go with Park ? Park Jimin, Park Namjoon and Park Seokjin doesn't it sound cool ?" Jimin asked suddenly and the other two agreed with him.

"But for now its dangerous to go with your real names, please even decide your code names boys" Taemin said while directing them towards the car to leave this place.

"I will go with Christian Park" Jimin said and gulped down a bottle of water quenching his thirst.

"I'm Rapmon Park it's decided then.... but for the gang it's Rapmonster" Namjoon said while Taemin looks at him confused.

"don't worry he is crazy for Rapping besides it just sounds so cool" Jimin said and they looks at Jin for his new name.

"Alex Park but for gang I choose Ice prince you know.... my world wide handsome face" Jin said making them laugh, so this was it when everything changed these three were going to live a totally different life. No one would have ever imagined for things to turn out like this.

End of Chapter

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