47 : Fire and Flames

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Amelia and Damien landed carefully with Galan and Tempest in their arms

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Amelia and Damien landed carefully with Galan and Tempest in their arms. They laid them down on the ground, next to each other and took a step back. Amelia touched both of them and gently resuscitated them from their weakened state. Galan reached out and pulled Tempest into his arms. They lay there quietly for a moment, neither speaking.

Bushes rustled behind them and everyone turned quickly to see who it was. Dean burst through to them, followed closely by a young woman with dark brown hair. He knelt next to Tempest and looked her over to see if she was hurt. She smiled weakly at him and shook her head, the smile disappearing.

"We lost," she told him with a sob. "So many dead. We couldn't do anything against him."

There was a grim look on Dean's face as he stood up. "We did everything we could do."

"Not everything," Damein said quietly. "There may be something else we can do."

All eyes turned in Damien's direction as he spoke. There was so much hope and expectation in their faces that Damien took a deep breath. He did not know if it would work but the anticipation of any possibility of turning this situation around was welcome. It was needed.

Damien's eyes turned towards Tempest and Galan. "There was a prophecy centuries ago which I remembered when I first saw the tattoo on your arm. It spoke of the alignment of a great power in the face of adversity, of chaos. It talked to the merger of two powerful weres with a little help from a dragon."

Damien smiled as he looked at the couple who were now sitting up, still holding onto each other. True to their shifter nature, they were quickly recovering. They got slowly to their feet as Damien continued to speak thoughtfully.

"You two have not yet mated, have you." It was more a statement than a question and Galan and Tempest nodded. When Damien smiled, Tempest's eyes narrowed and she frowned at him.

"Why is that relevant?" she asked.

"Because, my dear Tempest, the prophecy speaks of two unmated weres who have a bond that has been strengthened by adversity rather than the natural pair bonding associated with our kind. You are special, Tempest, and your mate here is a descendent of one of the strongest shifters out there. Throw in a little Dragon magic and we will create something special that can help us win this."

Tempest looked at Galan. They all heard Noah's unnatural screech and they knew that they didn't have much of a choice. They looked at each for a long moment and then nodded in unison.

"What do we have to do?" Galan asked.

Damien grinned.


Now, here they stood, ensconced within Damien's wings, separated from the world outside. The world that lay bleeding and dying. They were the last hope for the supernatural beings who were slowly being killed out by a crazed Dark Druid.

"Are you ready?" Galan asked Tempest softly, as though speaking too loudly would damage the fragile condition they were currently in.

Tempest swallowed nervously and smiled. She reached out and touched his face gently.

"I hadn't thought I would ever feel what I feel for you with anyone in my life. I miss you when you are not near me. I think about you every waking moment of every day. I never knew my heart could overflow with so much love for another and with you I have found the sanctuary that I have been searching for for most of my life. It took me a while to admit how much you mean to me. I will never again deny you. I love you, Galan."

Galan  closed his eyes and took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of the woman who he loved more than life itself. When he finally opened them, he leaned his forehead against hers.

"I love you, Tempest," he told her. "And I always will."

He leaned into her and pressed his lips against hers. He kissed her with all the pent up love and passion that was within him. He heard her moan and he growled, his Lycan coming to the fore. He felt his canines elongate and he pulled back to look at her. He was thrilled by the knowledge that she was as equally affected, as indicated by the extension of her own canines. He buried his face in her neck and she did the same to him.

"Ready?" Galan asked her.

"Yes," she told him

There was a moment's hesitation before Galan felt her sink her teeth into his neck at the same time that he sank his into hers. He pierced her neck with his fangs, drank of her blood and felt the warmth of it flow into his mouth. The euphoric feeling that filled him was beyond anything he had ever felt before, ever. His body warmed up and he felt like his whole life had been spent waiting for this one moment.

He marked her as she marked him, laying their claim to each other in the most primal of ways.
Releasing her finally, he tilted back his head back and roared. He was ecstatic when he heard Tempest's roar join his in a loud, victorious chorus.

Suddenly, the inside of Damien's wings was lit up in a huge fire as flames erupted around them. He pulled Tempest to him in concern but he needn't have worried. The flames did not burn them. Where he touched her, though, something amazing happened.

He felt himself joining with her, their flesh melding into each other as the flames roared around them. It was like he was being poured into her, and her into him in a sanctified union of two
lovers who would never be separated. As this joining continued, he turned into his Lycan form and she into her WereSabre.

Their union continued and as the two forms continued to blend together, they too changed. Galan watched, fascinated as their joined limbs transformed. Feathers sprouted from their joined fur and where there should have been fangs a sharp beak grew instead. Their  bodies continued to become one as it grew larger and larger.

Flames continued to swirl around them, blue flames turning into red, then orange, the gold before they turned back again. They were being forged into something else, something different. Something he had never seen before. Something he had never thought he would ever see in his life.

As quickly as the transformation had started, it ended. He looked at himself and marveled at the creature he had become. Correction. At the creature he and Tempest had become.

"Galan?" he heard Tempest call out. "What are we?"

"I don't know," he told her. "I'm not really sure but I think we became one."

They turned their head to look at Damien and Amelia. Had the two dragons shrunk in size? They looked like they were much smaller than they had been before. Or maybe they had grown?
Suddenly their feathered wings opened and they marvelled at what they were.

"It worked," they heard Damien say. They turned to look at him, where he was now back in his human form. Where he was jumping up and down in glee, his wife in his arms.

Dean was watching them, his eyes huge, his jaw hanging in shock. He snapped it shut and turned to look at Damien.

"Is that a Phoenix?" he asked him.

Damien turned to him with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes, Dean. I believe it is."

31 December 2020

It's the end of 2020! Deserves the completion of the story! 😎😅😉

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