Chapter 1

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Vicky's POV

Year 2010

I sat down on my bed, thinking about what to get my mom for Mother's day tomorrow. I was planning to surprise her with flowers but I though about asking her what she wants so it won't be a waste of money.

I ran downstairs and saw her cooking dinner. "Hey Mom?" I asked her as I scanned through the ingredients she had on the table.

"Yes, sweetheart?" She said.

"What do you want to get for Mother's day?" I asked her right away.

"Aw, honey, you don't have to get me anything." Mom said, she continued stirring the sauce with a large wooden spoon.

"Okay, so do you like flowers or something?" I asked her.

"I'm pretty sure your Dad will give me flowers." She said and gave out a laugh.

"Uh, ooooh! I know you like music. Who's your favorite singer?" I asked.

"MICHAEL BUBLÉ!" She shouted out. She looked like she was going to explode.

"Oh. Right! I'll get you his CDs." I said.

"Wait, you don't know him?" She asked.

I thought about who he was, I must've heard his name somewhere. "He's that jazz singer right? Kissing a fool?" I asked.

"Yeah! That's him! He's gorgeous isn't he?" She said, gushing over that Michael Bublé guy.

"He's okay. A bit fat though." I said and tucked my lips inside my mouth.

"He's not fat! He's perfect!" Mom said, defending Michael.

"All right, he's not. Later, mom!" I said, I ran upstairs and took my jacket and went out to buy her those cds.

I walked to the music store near our house, I asked the lady where Michael Bublé's CDs where and she pointed me to the far right section of the store.

I took 5 CDs that said, Michael Bublé on them and paid right away. I asked the woman to gift wrap them for me and she happily did.


I got home and Mom was setting up the table with Dad. "Hey." Dad said.

"What've you got there?" Mom asked.

"The CDs." I said.

Mom dropped the napkins she was holding and rushed to get the present I had in my hands. She ripped it open and it revealed 5 Michael Bublé CDs. "Oh my..." Mom said.

"Here we go again." Dad sighed. "You shouldn't have bought those, she's going to play those all dat for the rest of your life on speakers that's why I threw her old CDs." Dad said, he was laughing the whole time.

"Stop it, Stewart. I don't always play them cds. But now I will. It's Bublé!!!!" She said, she was gushing over him again.

After dinner, Mom and Dad sat down on the couch in our living room with two glasses and a bottle of wine with the fireplace lit. Mom started to place one of her new cds and played a song.

"This is going to end with me having a sister or a brother." I whispered to myself as I climbed upstairs. The song that was playing, suddenly gave me chills, like it was calling me. And that song was, "A song for you"

I rushed to my room and opened my laptop, I typed in "Michael Bublé" on Google and his songs came up. I clicked on A Song For You and listened to it. I was closing my eyes when the song was playing. His voice was so beautiful.

The first time I heard him, I didn't actually get to finish the song. I knew what he looked like but as I was watching the video, how his lips were moving and his eyes were fixed on the camera and made it look like he was looking at me, at that moment, I fell in love with his music and with him.

I spent the rest of the evening, reading everything about him that was on the internet. I became obsessed. Watched every single Youtube video that he was on. He's funny in all of his interviews.


The next day, I erased every song on my iPod, all 3 thousand of them and replaced it with Michael bublé's songs. I went downstairs with my earphones on.

I sat down the table and noticed that my parents were looking at me as I lip sync to his songs. I removed one from my ear and said "What?"

"What are you listening to? Another band?" Dad asked.

"Bublè." I said.

Mom's eyes grew and so did Dad's. "Seeee?" Mom looked at Dad. "Young people like him too!"

"Whatever" Dad sighed and looked at me. "No gadgets on the table."

I nodded and turned my iPod off as I started to eat breakfast, all I could thin about was how badly I wanted to just finish eating, head upstairs and lie down with Michael Bublé singing in my ears.

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Thanks and God bless!

(Every update, I'll give out one Bublé song/cover to check out)

Song: I'm your man 💕

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