Chapter Two

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"Fine I'll go." Janice squealed and jumped up and down.
    "Yes, yes, yes. Now go so you aren't late." With that she shoved my stuff in my arms and pushed me out the door. I could feel my heart racing as I walked to the subway. It was a short ride to Central Park and when I got off at my stop I took a deep breath. I can do this I thought to myself as I exited the station and walked to the park.
I had always loved Central Park which is why I chose to stay in New York. However the park was huge and I had no clue where the pride gathering was actually being held. I looked at the flyer and found that it was East Meadow, Central Park. I had many memories of spending time there with my family when I was a girl. It was my favorite place in the world, the only place that didn't seem so gray. I always wondered what had happened that made me so down all the time.
As I walked to the park my heart rate picked up. I was going to see Lizzie again. I never realized how fond I was of her. She came into the coffee shop every single day, and I was always drawn to her. Maybe it was her smile, which could light up any room, or just her overall optimistic enthusiasm on life. She was kind of like Janice in a way. However they looked totally different. While Janice had blonde hair and blue eyes, Lizzie had red hair and emerald green eyes.
I spotted Lizzie as soon as I got near the Pride Gathering. She was talking to a few people about some tables when I walked up.
"Uh, Hi." Lizzie turned and looked at me. A giant smile spread across her face.
"You came, how exciting." She pulled me in for a surprising hug.
"Yeah well, you left your book at your table so I had to come." She let me go and I handed her the book.
"Oh woops, my bad. Thanks for bringing it back." I nodded and looked around. There were multiple families scattered around the park. Kids playing football, a dog chasing after a tennis ball, laughter, and the smell of grass, and concession stand food.
"It's so pretty isn't it." I hummed a response but to me I just felt pain, my family used to be here. Laughing, playing, having a great time and now they aren't a part of my life anymore. Lizzie looked at me with a puzzled look.
"You don't like this place do you?" I shrugged.
"Why did you choose here, all these people might shame us for displaying this in front of children."
"Well theres nothing wrong with being gay." Maybe I said that wrong, I thought to myself but nodded my head.
"Yeah, I know, I just meant aren't you afraid people might get mad?"
"Then we stand up against them and show them that we aren't afraid of them."
"Hm." We stood there for a while in silence.
"We're about to do a group gathering, lets go."
"Group gathering?" Lizzie nodded.
"Yup, we're going to let people share their coming out stories and talk to each other about our experiences. You don't have to share your story if you don't want to though."
"What, what makes you think that, that I'm..?" Surprise flashed across Lizzies face.
"Oh, well I just assumed you were gay, I'm so sorry." Relief flooded my body and I let out a big breath.
"Oh, uh no, I I am gay, I'm just not very public about it." I ducked my head and rubbed at my arm and Lizzie nodded.
"Ah so I was right," she chuckled when I nodded. "Well what can I say a gay can recognize a fellow gay, am I right." I was shocked.
"Wait, you're gay?" She laughed.
"Of course I am, look at me." She gestured to herself and I looked her up and down. She looked like a rainbow had puked on her. However it was her green eyes that stood out to me, they were captivating just like her bright red hair.
"You know you stare a lot." Flustered I shook my head and turned my attention to the gathering.
"Really, I didn't even realize." I stated clearing my throat, she just shook her head smiling.
"Alright well come on, otherwise the group gathering will start without us." I nodded and figeted at the hem of my shirt. Lizzie walked up and stood on a park table.
"Alright everybody. Hello, we are going to start the group gathering and we will go around and anyone who is willing to share their coming out experiences can, otherwise you don't have to. Kind of like Icebreakers, just introduce yourself so we can all get to know each other. I will start." Everyone gathered around in a circle as Lizzie sat down on the table.
"Okay so my name is Lizzie Hodge, I am a lesbian. I came out to my parents when I was 14 and they accepted me, I was lucky enough to be accepted by them and my parents did what they could to help other people whose parents weren't as accepting. Now I live here and I am an activist fighting for people's rights like ours." Lizzies took a deep breath and gestured to a black man standing next to her.
"Hi, I'm Mac Harwood and I," he cleared his throat and rubbed at his face, Lizzie put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting nod.
"You can talk about something else if you would like." He nodded.
"Umm I have trouble talking about my family," his voice breaks, "but uh I do know that I have met a lot of great people coming to these gatherings, people like Lizzie. It's really great to know that there are people on my side that accept me for me. So thank you and its nice to see some familiar faces and some new ones too." My eyes burned as I fought back tears. Maybe it was good to come to this gathering, but all I keep thinking about is losing my family. I'm tempted to leave, to let go and let myself cry. I haven't cried in front of people since I was kicked out, and I was determined to keep it that way. I've always been the type to keep feelings to myself and when I chose to let people in it backfired. The only people I'm really close to are my coworkers: Esther, Jasmine and Zack. Other than that the only other person I can trust is myself.
"Sienna." Lizzies voice shook me out of my trance. Everyone was looking at me.
"Uh, sorry what?" Lizzie gave her a comforting smile.
"It's your turn, but remember you don't have to share your story if you don't feel comfortable."
"Oh, uh okay. Well my name is Sienna Turner, and I... I can't do this." With that I whirled around and almost bolted to the nearest exit. I heard whispers as I rushed off.
"Sienna, Sienna!." Lizzie called after me but I ignored her. She didn't catch up to me until I neared an exit of the park.
"Sienna, please stop." Lizzie reached for my arm but I shoved her off and kept going. I tried my best not to cry, I didn't want to cry not in front of her. When I exited the park I collapsed next to a pillar and garbage can. It felt like my whole body was immobilized with fear and pain. Lizzie grabbed my hand and I attempted to push her off again but failed miserably, instead the waterworks came. I felt so ashamed, crying in front of her, out in the open. I could barely process anything other than her sweet voice trying to talk to me. I knew I had to get away and hide myself but her voice was comforting.
"Sienna, it's okay." All I could do was shake my head. Lizzie kept saying comforting things as she sat with me. At one point she told a few people to fuck off. I don't know what happened but it was a little surprising to see her that way. She always seemed like the nicest person who couldn't hurt a fly and here she is telling people off.
"I need to go home." I tried to stand and she helped me up.
"Here let me take you." I shook my head, I didn't want her to see my apartment or really just to be near her much longer, who knows what parts of myself I could expose to her in this state.
"Sienna you can't go home alone." I pushed myself off the pillar and walked over to the curb.
"I'm fine." She shook her head as I waved for a taxi.
"Sienna no you're n.."
"I said I'm fine." I cut in. She looked taken aback for a moment. I climbed into the taxi and she held the door open. She handed me a business card.
"Here," I looked at the card, her name and number listed, "Take my number, just in case." I nodded and she closed the door. I gave the taxi driver my address and she watched as we drove away. I tucked her number into my pocket although I was sure I wasn't going to need it. I felt exhausted after all that so when I got home I climbed into my bed and fell asleep.

Sorry it took me so long to post this chapter but I hope you like it the next one will be up soon;)
Love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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