Chapter 12: You Found Me

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WARNING***** BLOOD *****

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WARNING***** BLOOD *****

" HELP! " Remus yelled as he pulled Marlene behind the remains of the blown up bar counter. Greyback had snuck up behind Marlene and cut her back. Remus hadn't been able to see the damage, but it didn't look good. Her breath was was coming in fast and in short breaths, her skin was turning slightly blue and she was coughing a lot. Remus shot back another spell before checking on Marlene. Tears started to pour out of his eyes as he saw the blood beginning to pool.

" R-Remus? " Remus shushed her before throwing another spell at the Death Eaters. There was only two Death Eaters left with Greyback beginning to get up again. The remaining Death Eaters grabbed there fellow Death Eaters before apparating away. Remus let out a sigh of relief. He then looked down to see Marlene begin to close her eyes, her breath's still coming in as short pants.

" Hang on Marls. PROFESSOR GARNER! HELP! " Professor Garner turned around and saw the blood on Remus' cheek and darted over. When he got around the bench, he almost flinched. Blood was everywhere and even on Remus. It looked like a war zone. It was a battle zone of sorts.

" Ferula. " Professor Garner conjured bandages to cover the girls lower back where the deepest looking cuts were. " We need to go. " Remus nodded and lifted the girl up, causing her to groan in pain.

" I know Marlene. We'll be there soon. " Remus began to speed walk to the carriages, Professor Garner behind him to protect them. They didn't know if  the Death Eaters were just going to wait them out, or if they left for good. It was better to be safe then sorry, hence why the professor came.

When they had reached the entrance, Dumbledore waited for them. He took one look at Marlene in Remus' arms and nodded, pointing towards the Infirmary.

" Professor Garner sent a patronus ahead. Madam Pompfrey is in there to take her to St. Mungo's. Your friends are in there as well. I suggest you get checked for the laceration on your arm Mr. Lupin. " Remus looked down and noticed that he was indeed bleeding from his arm. He shrugged it off and ran to the Infirmary. When he got there, he noticed a tear-streaked Amelia hugging a pale faced Sirius. Lily was also crying into James' shoulder as he tried to calm her sobs.

" REMUS! MARLENE! " The Marauders turned around as Amelia screamed. Amelia and Lily ran to go get Madam Pompfrey as the boys helped lay down a bloody Marlene.

" Oh my god what happened? " Peter asked as he looked down at the girl laying in the bed.

" Death Eaters. Greyback did that. " The boys gave Remus a wary look and he waved them off. " I'm fine. I gave him a taste of his own medicine, hit him with Severus' Sectumsemptra curse. He only got a mangled arm sadly as I got him with the tail end of it. "

" Remus, you need to get checked as well. " Sirius spoke softly. Remus was about to respond when a frazzled Madam Pompfrey came out, with a crying Lily and Amelia.

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