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"Sorry for asking... again... but I just don't understand. Why are we visiting the ex-remnants on Jabberwock again? It's not that I'm opposed, this just isn't in any of our job descriptions... I thought there were others who were in this position already..."

Naegi Makoto sat in the cabin of one of the boats belonging to the Future Foundation. He had been on their only once before now, his destination being the same as his current one, his ship mates also being the same as his current ones, Togami Byakuya and Kirigiri Kyoko. The only difference from then was that going to Jabberwock Island actually made sense at that time. 

There was no sense to be made out of his current situation.

The Future Foundation had said they had to provide materials and a speech of sorts for a few 'Hope Seminars' of their own creation. That was easy. Naegi had a knack for making speeches about what he believed in and sharing them with large groups, especially if it was about hope, but this situation still bothered him.

There were already members of the Future Foundation who had the specific job of looking after the ex-remnants and preaching hope to them, along with varying other topics, through carefully thought out seminars. These members were to live their lives on the island, semi-secluded from the ex-remnants, their only interactions being seminars, until the ex-remnants were deemed ready to leave the island. They were also supposed to fill out reports on their status, which would mainly be used to see who would be a good addition to the foundation.

"It's only for one day, so it isn't like we're taking their jobs, if that was what you were worrying about."

Kirigiri always seemed to know what to say to her colleague and friend. That was a big worry of Naegi's.

Togami, on the other hand, was not as skilled at reading people, giving an answer not as caring, but admittedly more helpful.

"The remnants that you insist calling 'ex-remnants' are having trouble grasping the concept of hope and despair. The Future Foundation wants us to try to ingrain the definitions and differences into their brain so the members living here can have an easier time. Please just listen next time, Naegi."

"Sorry... But thank you, guys. I don't know what I'd do without your help." He stands up, straightening his tie. "I'm going to get some fresh air for the rest of the trip... We should be at the island soon. Let me know if anyone from the foundation calls?"

Kirigiri nods. "Don't worry too much. Everything will run smoothly."

"Thank you." Naegi nods once to each of his friends, then leaving them in the cabin, taking a step onto the deck.

The air was cool, a great contrast to the hot and stuffy cabin. The taste of salt stinging his tastebuds actually felt quite nice, despite the dehydration it was inducing. The open sea was a majestic sight, yet it made Naegi a bit sad. Not a single boat was to be seen, teasing him with a sort of lonely feeling. Of course, he wasn't really lonely in any way, shape, or form. He had his sister, his friends...

Well, his surviving friends.

Even though it was almost certain the despair was over, hopefully marking and end to 'The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History,' commonly shortened to simply 'The Tragedy,' the world most certainly felt different, almost gloomy. Hopes Peak Academy was supposed to be reopening once the ex-remnants were off the island, and Naegi was hopeful that that would make things feel more normal. He would do anything he could to play a part in the reopening, and hoped he was able to. 

Naegi still had no recollection of his time there, but felt a sort of connection to the place, something pulling him to want to be a part of it again. He reasoned it was probably his childlike gung-ho energy he had from before The Tragedy talking when he felt this pull. He hadn't lost this optimism, though it has matured.

He thoroughly wished he could get his high school years back, have more time to be a kid again with his childish optimism... but he was nonetheless happy with the man he had become. Besides, nothing would ever give him those years back. 

Naegi longed to remember what had happened during the time Enoshima had stolen from his memory. He wanted to have more fond memories of his classmates who have died, ones that shone them in a better light, one not full of bitterness and despair.

Maybe he had gotten to know some of the ex-remnants when they were still full of hope, or those in the reserve course while they were alive. Maybe he had some connection to Nanami... It was hard to tell from the information he was given, which wasn't a lot.

Naegi walked to the front of the boat, holding onto the railing. Jabberwock Island was right there, he could almost reach out and grab it. Absentmindedly, he attempted to do so, reaching his hand out. His eyes closed, as he imagined a fistful of sand slipping through his fingers. If he were to do this in real life, the sensation would most likely be soft and warm. He couldn't remember the last time he was able to relax at the beach and feel the sand under his toes...


The sound of his name made Naegi snap out of his trance, awkwardly bringing his arm back to his side. He straightened his tie again and turned around.


"Well. The captain is asking you to come back to the cabin for docking."

Docking... That meant Naegi would be able to feel the sand soon. He smiled a bit at that, until he was hit with the reality of the situation. This was not a vacation, this was serious. It was his job, not some beach party.

"I'll be right there, Kirigiri-san."

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