“I give up. I will never, ever do anything right. Said the random ass girl to no one in particular” Narrating my life in third person. This is what I had been reduced to. I rolled my eyes in boredom and drummed my nails on my laptop keyboard. I hadn’t even turned it on. It was on my lap, and the black screen was showing my glared reflection back at me. Long, dark chocolate coloured hair and matching eyes complete the look that was me. “Me.” I said aloud. Then I cursed myself for talking to the one and only. Again. Another deep breath and then I closed the laptop. Who was I kidding when I said I needed it for homework? I knew that I was just going to get sucked into the deep dark hole that is social networking. I didn’t even like any of those people. In fact, seeing their life updates and occasional complete embarrassments they make of themselves made me want to hit them. With large bricks. I got up from my bed and went downstairs. My feet made echoing noises that radiated throughout the whole house. It was like my house was an abandoned cave. Except much nicer, and occasionally emptier. I shoved my yellow sneakers onto my feet and left the house. Going where, I didn’t know. All I knew at the time, is that I never expected what happened.