Kings Cross Station: Platform 9 and 3/4

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"So if the wizarding world is supposed to be a secret," Bud asked, extremely confused. "Then why is the doorway to their school in the most trafficked subway station in London?"

It was finally September 1st, the day that Gideon and Pacifica could not wait for. They had just arrived in Kings Cross station when Bud finally realized that this was the way to get to Hogwarts. It wasn't until Pricilla explained to him that they would have to run through a magical wall to get to the train that Bud started asking some questions. Some pretty good questions everyone hated to admit.

"I have no idea," Pricilla replied wondering the same thing the minute Bud asked.

"I suppose people, that's the genius of it. People don't always realize what's hiding in plain sight. A girl could be easily kidnapped in a crowd if she was drugged beforehand. The people around would simply think she was a sick friend or family member bring taken care of and no one would be the wiser." A strange voice said.

They turned around to see a young girl, around Gideon and Pacifica's age with mocha skin, big chocolate eyes, and braided raven hair. She had on a gray hoodie with blue jeans and black sneakers. She looked at them completely unbothered by how uncomfortable her statement made the group. They didn't say anything for a while and simply just stared at one another.

"Katherine?" Someone behind the girl called. Then a tall man with the girl's hair and skin emerged from the crowd appearing quite frazzled until he spotted the girl who had just spoken to them.

"Katherine!" He cried in relief. "What have I told you about wandering off on your own? Your mother and I have been worried sick! We thought something must've happened and almost called the police." He hugged his daughter tightly as if at any moment she would suddenly disappear again.

"I was only gone for two and a half minutes."

He pulled away to give her a look of disbelief. "You and I both know a lot can happen in those two and a half minutes. Please, darling. Your mother and I just want you to be safe and sound."

The girl nodded looking a little more guilty than she did before. "I know. I'm sorry dad." They hugged again, squeezing each other tightly as if they never wanted to let go.

"I love you, Kathy." He said

"I love you too." She replied.

Finally, they pulled apart and Kathy's father took notice of the group behind his daughter.

"And you are?" He asked unsurprised.

It took a moment for them to answer seeing as they were still getting over the shock they just got from this girl. Gideon was the first to snap out of it and the one to answer.

"I'm Gideon Pines." He replied in what he hoped was a calm manner. "This is my dad Bud," Bud gave a small feeble wave, "My friend Pacifica Southeast," Pacifica gave a small nervous smile, "And her mother Pricilla." Pricilla managed to muster a welcoming smile and shook the man's hand.

"I'm Andrew Rollins and this is my daughter Katherine Rollins." He gestured to the girl and she threw them a peace sign. "And I would like to apologize for anything my daughter might have said before I got here. She sometimes speaks without thinking and, while it can be a little off-putting, I know she means well."

The girl, Kathy, started looking down embarrassed and unable to meet any of their eyes. She barely just realized how disturbing and creepy her statement from before was. In an attempt to lessen her embarrassment, Pacifica stepped forward.

"Some people say that first impressions are everything," She took another step forward, offering a small smile. "But I think that you should get to know a person before you judge them." Pacifica held her hand toward Kathy. "I'm Pacifica Southeast and I'd like to get to know you."

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