7. Who Are We Killing?

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My first day working at Kennedy Hotel's & Casino's was ridiculously uneventful. I had started on the marketing team and didn't even have my own cubicle. The other people on the team were pretty cool but also, very clearly wanted me to know my place. Which was at the bottom.

I didn't mind though because I was just happy to finally be working in an area that somewhat related to my degree. So I kept my head down and worked on the lame ass "project" my supervisor handed me, which was really just a way for them to get me out of their way.

During my lunch break on my second day, I took the project and my sandwich and settled in this little nook in a back hallway so I could eat and work in peace. I had finished half my sandwich and was lost in thought about all the ways this project could actually turn into something, when Henry walked out of what I had assumed was a janitor's closet.

Our eyes met and his instantly sparked with recognition. "Courtney?"

My eyebrows shot up because he still remembered my name. It had been a couple years since we ran into each other at this senior thing in school and I had been shocked he remembered my name back then as well. We hadn't really interacted since freshman year.

"Henry." I heard myself greet back, despite the way my heart was thudding in my chest.

The smile that spread across his lips made it harder for me to breathe, "I heard something about you working here. How're you liking it?" He asked, and while it could've been him being polite, the way he leaned against the wall and waited for my answer expectantly said otherwise.

So I shifted, setting my sandwich down. "It's my second day, not bad so far."

His eyes darted to my food and the packet, "That's your lunch?"

I rolled my eyes, "Not this again, yes, ham and cheese."

He gagged, "After all my hard work, you're still eating that. I don't think I've ever failed so badly before in my life."

"Kind of hard to fail when you've got money to pay for every win." I said, jokingly I might add, but still- I shouldn't have. The words just slipped out and I regretted it immediately. "Shit, I didn't mean-"

Henry busted out laughing, taking a couple steps to cross the hall and then scooped up the project packet. "You're the only person who's ever given me a hard time about coming from money." He muttered, sounding no two ways about it, "What's this?"

"Busy work."

He lowered the packet so I could see the frown on his face, "You're brilliant mind and they've given you busy work?"

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the other half of sandwich. "My second day, remember."

"On my first day I decided wether to expand King Kennedy to include a casino or not." He let me know, sitting where my sandwich had been.

I took a bite, staring at him with a flat look, "What's your last name?"

He had still been reading the project, so when I asked his face scrunched and he looked at me. "Kennedy." I continued to give him the flat look and it finally dawned on him. "I constantly feel so stupid around you." He let me know, his eyes and tone hinting at him liking that fact.

I grinned, "You make it far too easy."

He hissed, "Ouch. When I become president of this place-"

"-You'll fire me?" I asked, trying to school my features but I had wanted to laugh so bad. Henry did that to me, made me loosen up and have fun even if we were talking about work or the weather or, it didn't matter really. "Why wait?" I asked, corking an eyebrow and cocking my head.

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