Shark x Sick! Yuma

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(Zueki is seven and appears briefly)
Yuma's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling terrible. I tried everything to go back to sleep, but just couldn't.

I suddenly felt sick, and I got up and ran to the bathroom quickly.

As I leaned over the toilet, I ended up getting sick. Once I finished, I flushed the toilet and walked into the kitchen. I took some medicine, then walked back into my room.

I crawled into bed and laid down, still not being able to go to sleep. I turned on the lamp on my side of the bed and picked up the book on my dresser and began reading.

"Hm...? Yuma?"

I looked to my right to see my husband was awake.

"Hey." I said.

"What are you doing up at two in the morning?" Shark asked.

"I just can't fall asleep." I half lied.

Shark sat up and took the book from me, set it on the dresser and turned out the light.

Shark wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

"Is anything bothering you?" He asked.

"My stomach hurts. I took some medicine earlier after I had gotten sick." I replied.

Shark put his hand on my forehead. "You feel pretty warm Yuma. I think you're sick."

I moved Shark's hand from my head to my stomach.

"It feels better when you're holding me like this." I said, snuggling up to Shark.

Shark smiled. "Well, let's hope your fever isn't worse in the morning."


Narrator POV

"Zueki! Can you bring me a water bottle?" Shark called from his room.

As you may have guessed, Yuma's fever was worse. After he wouldn't get out of bed and Shark took his temperature, it was concluded that Yuma was definitely sick.

Shark placed his hand on the side of Yuma's face.

"Baby, are you okay?" Shark asked.

Yuma groaned. "Not really... My head is pounding and my stomach hurts like hell..." He said.

Zueki came running in with a water bottle and handed it to Shark.

"Thank you Zueki." Shark said, taking the water bottle from her.

"Is dad okay?" The young girl asked.

Shark shook his head. "No, he said he doesn't feel very well." He replied as Yuma coughed.

Shark set the water bottle on the nightstand while he helped his husband sit up in the bed. Shark then opened the water bottle and helped Yuma drink some so he would stay hydrated.

Once Yuma was finished, Shark placed the water bottle back on the nightstand and helped Yuma lay down.

"Babe... Do we have any meds I can take?" Yuma asked Shark.

"I'll go check." Shark said, walking out of the room. Zueki followed him.

"Zueki, Trey is going to take you to school today, so tell me when you're ready and I'll take you to his house." Shark said, looking through the medicine cabinet.

"Okay daddy!" Zueki said as she ran to her room.

Shark grabbed some Tylenol and brought that back to Yuma so he could take it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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