Chapter 12: Familia

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I'll Be Home: Chapter 12

1 weeks after they started dating.

(Ahhh one weeks of becstin- Ignore that, just saying)

No filler chapter, I just wanted to make a chapter with only Becky and her family and maybe one for the Mahone family together.

*** Just saying this chapter lacked serious editing, which means spelling mistake is frequent. So sorry for that guys.



''Again B. Tell me why were keeping this from our fans'' Austin voice quizzically asks me and I let out a sigh, even I wonder that as well.

''It's just I want to make sure that where in this relationship 100% and I feel like rushing through things isn't the best. You saw it yourself Austin, relationship that rushes so much always end badly'' I explain myself moving around my kitchen gathering all the chips on one large plate while my mother prepare the dip pretending she wasn't snooping in and leaning closer wanting to hear all the details and later share them with Sarah.

''I just don't want the same thing that happened with my fans to relive history again. I don't want to lie to them and I really want to let everyone know that you are all mine B'' he sigh on the other line and just with that I imagine his hand running through his already messy hair.

''I know Austin. I won't make you wait that long.'' I smile to myself.

''Good, because I want to feel the proudness once I pull you off the market'' his ego had been boost, I see.

''Hey hey there, don't let that ego go to that head of yours'' I snicker to myself.

''Austin two minute.''- "Becky come on Austin is almost on'' we both heard from separate voice, me being called by Frankie and Austin by Rocco.

''I'll talking to you later baby'' he was quick with his goodbye and I smile to myself once more, that is a constant thing now.

''Bye Austin'' I ended the call slipping my phone in the back pocket of my skinny jeans. Spinning on my heel just in time to catch my mother eyes that quickly retreat itself pretending she hadn't been snooping. Her eyes focus on the task at hand while a distant smile linger on her lips like mine- like mother like daughter.

''Come on. Let's get these in the living room'' I look over the dish, nothing fancy. Pizza, numerous flavour of chips from Baked Tortilla Chips to just plain regular chips, we can never never forget the basic. With the chips came the two bowl of Hot Mexican Spinach Dip and D's Famous Salsa. Three gallons of juice awaits in the living room and for desert we went healthy with a fruit dish. Helping my mom carry the different dishes in the living room seemed like a handy task, I had to be careful to not activate my clumsiness. Finally with the last bowl of salsa dip I enter the living room where my family were all huddle around the flat screen TV. Frankie joined Steph on the floor, Alex included. My parents sat on a loveseat that was placed on the left side of the TV.

''Again. Delight me with why where watching Austin on TV on family night'' I inquire out gaining the attention of my family. The informational played in the background. Their eyes followed me to my placement in the middle couch.

Steph proceed to open her mouth, but I held my finger up stopping her mid-words causing her to fumble over her words.

''I know I know. Your a Mahomie. You made that pretty clear with that shirt you have on'' I point down at her I heart Austin Mahone shirt and she grinned loud and proud of the title. 'I peg differ' I scowl rolling my eyes.

''Well his your boyfriend after all'' my mother teased out which gained a blushed from me. The title is still quite new to me.

''I still don't like this. Why couldn't he stay the sweet loving boy that I met back than. But now his dating my precious daughter.'' Oh father. He went on after that until my mother came to our safety cutting off his lecture with a whip upside the head and he stumble on his word glaring at mom with an and I quote. ''Ow women. Violent much'' which my mother scoff at. Ahh the parenting years.

''It's the first time they showcase any shows on live television, and its Austin so why miss your boyfriend on TV'' and I was guilty for my blush that rose up my cheek. That was indeed right. With Radio Disney Austin had been chosen to be the first celebrity to ever showcase a show live. The show had been induce with more set play. Before it had a run of five or even seven songs, but for the night it was now eleven songs which Austin had somehow mange to do. Fans had to pay a little more because of the extra track performed, but not that much that they couldn't afford or attend. Austin wouldn't want that. He wanted the best for his fans.

''Quiet down guys'' Mrs. Mahomies sitting on the ground scoff at us all cutting our conversation the minute the live play had started and we let out a snicker. Alex had got off the floor and placed himself beside me. I sent him a smile pulling my legs into an Indian style with a plate of chips in hand we watch someone from Radio Disney introduce everything. From than on the camera overlooked the sea of screaming fans and finally the door was pulled open lights focusing on him. He stood tall with a smile already lingering on his lips.

''What's up Miami'' he yelled in his mic with the yell coming as his response. His two intro  songs where banga banga and Mmm Yeah. From than on he went through can't fight this love, secret, shadow, all I ever need and he went a little Texas on us singingna  George strait check yes or no cover with his cowboy  hats that was 100% times more appealing on him and his playing of the guitar was indeed amazing and plus with the combination of Abraham piano cowboy hat included. Throughout the more calming, no beats just the sweet melodic rhythm of guitar strings creating its own little beat, the light had been dim perfectly showcasing the magik of the show. When the idol and fans held the connection. Phones and glow in the dark merchandize where turned on which creating the little light almost like stars that moved back and forth to the flow of the guitar. That was really a beautiful scene.

''Are you guys having fun'' Austin asked the crowded which made sure to scream extra loud probably damaging eardrums while at it. With a proud smile on his lips he moved closer to the crowd at the end of the stage where hands held out wanting to touch him as if they wanted proof that this was all not a dream and it was indeed reality. His red mic set was placed closer to the crowd and he took a sip of the water bottle Josh passed to him and once he retreated back Austin started off with the next song.

''So this next song is dedicated to someone special to me, and their watching this now. I hope you like it'' I felt myself blushed at how fast my whole family spined their head staring at me while I tried to avoid their gaze already knowing who he was talking about. He started playing places wity me  staring at the screen smiling to myself.

'Can't believe he actually wrote that song for me.'


Horrible, sorry.

This is no filler. I'm trying to update to I can finish this story soon. Thanks for all the read and comments.

I love you guys.

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