Part 8

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Breakfast was silent the next morning. They had woken up at the same time, took turns using the bathroom, and barely said a word to each other. Elizabeth had hoped to talk last night but Theo had gotten a 'business call' and didn't return until long after she was asleep. Clever way for someone to get out of a difficult conversation if that's what he was doing. 

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have treated you like that." He said shortly. Elizabeth could tell that he was already nervous about speaking in the first place. Theo rarely apologizes to people but to Elizabeth, well it must've been the 10th time. Was it good enough? No. Would she tell him it's okay anyways? Yes. 

"It's okay really. Water under the bridge." She just wanted to move on from the whole thing. She decided that it was best no longer to cross that line with him. In the moment she would feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. However afterwards he made her feel insecure or wrong and she didn't like that feeling. "What's on the agenda today? We must not waste time you know?"

"Right. Louvre Museum today." He said before he cleared his throat. The were both on the terrace and he still felt like he couldn't breathe. Theo knew his apology was shit but that's the only way he knew how to say it. "I had someone pick something out of your wardrobe for you." Elizabeth thanked him and walked inside to get ready.

Theo waited on her to return, fiddling with his wand around his finger. He couldn't help but think about the first time he had seen her.

  In school, her skirt being shorter than most but not enough to make anyone notice. Anyone except him. She chatted with the Weasley twins and seemed to be completely oblivious to anything else around her. Theo watched as she backed herself into a stranger and profusely apologized. Theo watched the young girl's cheeks flush as she began to fidget with her rings around her fingers. He watched his friends greet her occasionally but he never made an effort to talk to her. She looked innocent and like someone that he had no business talking to. She wouldn't like the dark side. Until one night he was up in the closed off tower having a smoke. The pressure from his father drove him to the unhealthy things. He saw very clearly Elizabeth walking down the halls. She would stop in front of the Slytherin door, just staring down at it. Like she wanted to go but something was stopping her. She was curious about the darkness but stopped herself  from exploring it. That peaked Theo's interest. He watched her night after night. He never planned to speak to her but one night she knocked on his door, asking for Blaise. He knew Blaise had no plans of returning until late that night. However fate had served her up on a silver platter and he refused to waste the opportunity. 

After that night he told himself to stay away from her. He told himself that she was too good for him but that made Theo want Elizabeth so much more. Knowing he was bad for her and knowing he would ruin her. He couldn't stop running into her. Fate handed her over once again. Theo finally was able to have a small piece of something to himself and he refused to share it with anyone. However Elizabeth was not an object he could own and that drove him crazy. The night that he told himself that he would tell her how he felt a war broke out. He wanted to choke down his pride but the moment he heard her voice, he knew it was over. "What's happening Theo?" She said, fear in her voice. He had to let her go. He had to give her a chance. So that's what he did. He told her to run in fear of never seeing her again. She just needed a chance. 

That was that for 3 years until he found her again. It was more of like a friend of a friend found her but kept tabs on her for him. He wouldn't interrupt her life. It was too good. Theo stayed away until one night in Paris. Fate handed her to him once again. He told himself if he could just have a proper goodbye he would let her go. However this feeling was rattling his bones and shaking him to the core. His subconscious told  him to let her go. However Theo always hated being told what to do.

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