Extended Summary >>>

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They were different people who wished for different things.

All Benji wanted was to survive high school without failing his six AP classes. Josephine wanted to win every debate competition she stepped into, and quite frankly, everything else she ever did in life. Snyder just wanted people to never call him by his first name, or even better, never talk to him at all.

It all began in first period English class, when poor Benji got tangled into World War III between Jo and Snyder. Somehow, it ended with the three of them seated in Jo's frilly living room lamenting the dreadful love triangle in the Hunger Games and lauding the representation of feminism in Louisa May Alcott's writing.

They were different people with different wishes, but in the end they all got the same thing: weekly book discussions.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E >>>

So for those of you who remember when I had Beach Week up, this is the newer and better version of that!! i'm writing this book so i can improve my characterization & character development so don't expect any lifechanging plot lines, but sit back and enjoy the book talks of these bibliophiles:)

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