After school (Pt. 1)

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Loner's POV (Elijah)

I was in class doing my homework after-school, I never had time to do it since i was always busy. There was a guy across me, he was reading the book called "Harry ______", I couldn't see the last word since his hand was covering it, but it was most likely Harry Potter. He looked at me and caught me staring!

His eyes..they were beautiful..he smiled at me and I was blushing a lot, so I looked away. Everything was perfect about him, I soon realized he was the Nerd the popular girls spread rumors about..about how he was ugly and had anger issues. They were all wrong, he looked so handsome, and he seemed so calm.

I wanted you know him more, so I wrote on a scrap of paper: "Hey, wanna meet after school, behind the school? You seem nice!"And threw it at him, it wasn't the nicest thing to do..but I hope he doesn't think I dislike him. He picks up the piece of paper from the floor and reads it, he then nods

I was so exited when he nodded! I kept thinking about how we would meet eachother and become more than friends...(His mind)Uhhh..what am i saying! Hes just a stupid nerd.. I shake my head and realize hes gone, where did he go? I ignore the fact that he was gone and go to behind the school, to wait for him.

When I came behind the school, he was waiting for me, I sit down and so does he. We talk for awhile about school and other stuff. It was fun talking to him, unlike the others, he payed attention more. He had a worried face on, was he okay? I hope so. After talking, I walked him home, it wasn't much.

I went home and stayed up late, I ate some chips, but no dinner. Then went to bed and played with my phone 'till I fell asleep. I had no dream or nightmare it was nice.

Nerd's POV (Damion)

I was reading my book until I saw someone staring, I smiled so it didnt seem weird, then he threw a note at me. That was rude, anyway I read the note and nodded at him. He was busy thinking about something I think so I just left him and went behind the school. He came later on and we talked.

(His mind) this was one likes to talk to me. Is he planning to trick me into doing something?!
I didn't realize I had a worried face on until Elijah told me, it was nice he cared for me. I said it was nothing and started listening to him again, we talked until it got dark and went home together.

He walked me home and was holding my hand, I'll admit, I was blushing a bit. I shaked my head, (Mind) Am I inlove..? No. Thats stupid! Everyone will hate me more if I'm gay... Oh! "Thanks for walking me home Elijah!" I said, realizing I was home. I had a warm smile on, he smiled right back then walked home on his own, after waving at me, how sweet.

My dad was out the house and I didn't have a mom, so I was alone in the house. I went to the kitchen and cooked up some food, I ate the food after and changed, I later on went to bed since I usually go to school early.

I couldn't stop thinking about that Elijah kid..(Mind) Was he trying to use me..? Or worse..trying to gain my trust then expose the secrets I tell him.. I was thinking about him for a long time, but I'm sure he wouldn't do that..right? I thought about it for a long time, then fell asleep awhile after and forgot about that.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed the first part, I have school about next week so I won't make much parts. I'm not adding a lot if details I know I'm sorry! :( I'm planning to make 8 parts, and they might be longer than others since I run out of Ideas easily and stuff, oh well. This is stupid- anyway Bye bye! 729 words about wow. THANKS FOR THE VIEWS! Even tho this is dumb

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