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*private message between iwaizumi and y/n*

hey you're that girl right?
the one yahaba just added

omg is this real?
iwaizumi-senpai is actually texting me?
yes i am

could you do me a favor?

anything for you🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

can you call me rn?
pretend to be my mom or something
so i can leave this date

uh sure
give me like 5 secs

~in real life~

'Iwaizumi actually wants me to call him? I'm gonna scream' You thought to yourself.

You then actually let out a little shriek of excitement, which to caused your brother to yell at you to shut up. You took a screenshot of the convo and sent it to yahaba to see his reaction.

You remembered that you actually had to call Iwaizumi so you went to his contact and dialed his number.

~outgoing call to iwaizumi~


"Why do you sound shocked?
You wanted to call me"

You asked
while staring at your phone in
your hand weirdly.

"Yeah mom?
What happened?"

He replied ignoring your words
and emphasizing the mom, hoping
you get the point.

"Oh, yeah that's why, sorry I'm dumb.
I mean come home now!"

You said finally coming to realization
of why you called him in the first place.

"What do you mean mom?
What's wrong?"

"You need to walk your pet rock."

You said trying to stay as serious
as you could.

"Oh no, really?"

You giggled at the fact that he was
going along with it so well.

"Yeah, rocky is about to die.
So you better get home and walk him"

You said holding in your laughter and
sounding as serious as you could.

"Okay mom, I'll be home as soon as I can"

He answered sounding like he
was obviously also trying not to laugh.

"Okay bye.
Call me when you're away from her .
Just wanna make sure you're okay"

You said calming down from your laughs.

"Got it.
Will do mom."

~call ended~

As soon as Iwaizumi ended the call you still had butterflies lingering in your stomach. His voice was just like music to your ears. It was soothing and made you happy. Hearing him try not to laugh was just so cute to you. What made you even more excited was the fact that he agreed to call you back. So you sat on your bed waiting to get your special call back.

After about 10 minutes of fangirling to Yahaba about Iwaizumi you started to get a little disappointed, thinking that he wasn't going to call, but that's when you heard your phone go off.

* incoming call from iwaizumi *

Sorry I took so long,
Shittykawa got mad at me for leaving the date."

"It's okay.
But how did he find out?"

"The girl called him.
I guess she picked up my vibe."

"Oh that makes sense.
But if you didn't want to be there,
then why agree to go?"

"Shittykawa begged me to go.
Apparently they had some type of deal."

"Let me guess,
she has a hot best friend that he wants?"

How'd you guess?"

"I'm usually the hot best friend
the guy asking my friends want."

"Oh makes sense.
I guess you would know then."

"Yeah but I turn them all down anyways."

"How come?"

"I have my eyes on someone."

If you don't mind me asking."



"I guess you didn't hear me, let me rephrase it.
I have my eye on you, Iwaizumi Hajime."

"You're pretty bold"

"Thank you.
I get told that a lot."

I'm flattered though, but-"

"You don't have to say anything about it.
I don't care if you don't like me back."

"Why's that?"

"Because no matter what,
one day you'll be the father of my kids."


"Hush now future lover, husband,
and father of my kids.
Future Mrs. Iwaizumi Y/n
has to go help her brother make dinner.
Bye bye."


*call ended*

「hey guys so i decided to y/n bold af bc i feel like iwa wouldn't want some shy type of girl, so like sorry if that's not you but it's not really me either so yeah.」

also happy new year!

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