The weirdest thing

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Christmas eve.

It's christmas eve and Cameron and I are lying on the couch in the livingroom of our apartment. We just finished watching a cheesy christmas movie and now we are bored out of our minds. It's only 8:23 pm, but it's insanely dark outside. I can't even see any stars shining.

Cameron let out a yawn and 'casually' threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Shall I make some hot chocolate for us or maybe just some coffee?" he asked.

Suddenly, an idea popped up into my head. I stood up, Cameron's arm falling from my shoulder onto the couch, and headed to the front door. I opened the front door just a tiny bit to feel how cold it was outside. It was so cold that I felt like I couldn't even blink. My eyelids were frozen in place.

"(Y/N)!!! I asked you a question and then you just ignore me like this. I feel unappreciated." I heard someone whining. "And why is it so cold in here all of a sudden?!"

"Goddamnit" I muttered to myself. I really wanted to take a walk with Cam outside, but we wouldn't even make it out of the door without turning into ice sculptures. I slowly close the door again.

I jump and turn around, feeling two hands being placed on my shoulders.

"Hey...What are you thinking about? You never and I mean ever reject a cup of coffee." Cam asked, a confused smile on his face.

I sigh, taking Cameron's hand and leading us back to the livingroom where 'I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus' was playing very softly now.

Automatically, we both started to sway to the music a bit.

"I really wanted to take a walk with you right now and just do something else instead of hanging on the couch for hours. We might just discover some wild beasts or something." I explained, my eyes focused on the floor.

Cameron snickered. "I doubt we'll discover a wild beast. The wildest beast we will find is probably a puppy being walked by his owner."

"Well, I doubt any dog is being walked right now, since they'd be frozen to death at this point. It's so cold outside, Cameron. It's insane, I'm serious!" I laughed.

Cameron let out a loud laugh. "Don't exaggerate, baby. I'm sure that if you wore a simple jacket, you would be able to survive."

Oh yeah?

I grabbed Cam's arm and dragged him to the front door again. I snatched his jacket from the rack and put it on him. I opened the door and pushed him outside, quickly shutting the door behind him.

"Let's see how long it takes until you want to go back inside!" I yelled through the door, chuckling.



I opened the door immediately, not wanting him to catch a cold. Cameron barged in and hugged me to death, trying to warm himself up. I whined, feeling his cold hands touching my arms. After a while, he finally managed to reach his normal temperature again.

"I told you so..." I murmured into his jacket.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Damn, it's cold as hell out there." he admitted, defeated. "But that's why I got a way better idea. I can't believe you haven't thought of it yet."

I jumped up, very curious and excited. "What?? What is it??"

Cameron walked away and came back a few seconds later with jingling car keys in his right hand and a smirk on his face.

My mouth formed itself into an O shape out of excitement.

"Let's take a late night drive." Cam said.

I yanked my coat from the racket and put it on, twisted my scarf around my neck, put on my gloves and beanie and I was ready for take off.

Cameron chuckled and put on his beanie aswell. I grabbed his hand and we left the apartment, running off to our car.

Cameron sat behind the wheel and started the car, while I made myself comfortable and turned on the car heating. I took off my gloves and scarf.

We began our little journey and started driving without a destination. I grabbed Cameron's hand and rubbed small circles on his knuckles. In return, he brought my hand up to his lips and softly kissed my knuckles.

"STOP!" I screeched and Cameron immediately let go of my hand and stepped on the brakes. Luckily, there weren't any cars behind us.

"WHAT'S WRONG?!" he yelled back, frightened.

"A coffee shop..." I sighed dreamily, pointing to an adorable, little, christmas decorated coffee shop.

I've always wanted to experience drinking a delicious, hot coffee in a warm and cute little shop where old music is being played with barely any clients at night. It's like a dream coming true.

"(Y/N), I love you, but don't you ever just yell out of nowhere while I'm driving anymore. I really don't want us to end up in the hospital, especially not on christmas eve." Cameron sighed, a little annoyed.

"I love you too and I'm terribly sorry. I got over excited. I swear I will never ever scream again. At least...not while you're driving." I said.

"Wait - what do you mean 'at least not while you're driving?'"

"No time!" I jumped out of the car, ignoring his question and hopped off to my dream cafe.

I entered the shop and became engulfed by warmth, music, happiness and the smell of coffee.

Cameron stood beside me soon enough, just as mesmerized as I was.

We sat down and ordered a coffee and a christmas cookie. It was perfect. After we finished our drinks, I leaned over the table and kissed Cameron on his warm lips.

"Thank you for stopping the car when I screamed. If you hadn't we might have just missed this shop sent from heaven." I whispered, a big grin on my face.

"That's the weirdest thing you ever thanked me for, but you're welcome anyways." Cameron laughed loudly as he kissed my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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