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Dear Reader

I dont know why you have so many question regarding life..But one thing that I am sure about is,I am going to answer your each and every question.

You wrote life is cruel but trust me dear.Its not life who is cruel to us but we are the one who is cruel to life..Life always give us many things but we are the one who decides it a victory or a failure..The existence you are having, it can never be a burden but a blessing to everone.

Its true we are all alone here..Yet we all are here for each other..It's just we all are abided with time..We came here,love each other,then left -to only meet once again in another realm.

You just told me you are alone in the millions..No Dear,you are unique in the millions people..You are you that what matters at the end.

About Love, just remember nothing remain here in this World.The only thing immortal here is LOVE-ya Love that we have for each other..The Love that I gave for you ,the love that you have for me..That Love that we gave for everyone..

Dear its true that "every night leads to the Sunrise" ..But first you should become a Dawn in your own life.

"A hope can gives you blessing,
a blessing can gives you miracle..... AND.....
A Miracle can change your whole life"

Be happy who knows someone must be waiting for your arrival too..

Lan Wangji

A man was lazily walking in a hall when his eyes suddenly landed into a shrinked paper like ball..He went down to pick it up..When he opened it,his eyes widen in shock as he saw the latter was in the same formate as his that he wrote unconciously few days ago.But this letter held some words of the another person..He immediately run towards his room to read it...
to be continued..

Love Letters From Dustbin(ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now