Chapter 1

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This story is requested by @redstonemob hope you like it.


The first day of school is always the most boring one or the most awkward one, at least that's what you thought. You just moved because your mom and dad found a job here in town. They didn't tell you what school you were going to though. "Honey, get ready you have school!" mom told you. "I'm coming mom!" You run down the stairs and jump into the car. The whole ride you were so excited.

Before you changed schools you came out to everyone, your school, your parents, friends,... Everyone accepted you. Well almost everyone. A few jocks in school tried to bully you because of it but they got expelt because of it.

'The school is diffrent then others' you thought "Let's go in" mom said. "Please don't, I'm already the newbie I don't want to be seen as a mommys girl. Please" she sighed "Fine but I work here also so their going to find out anyway" you sighed. See that's the problem, mom is 1 of the new superheroes in town. She has powers like spiderman and antman but then with all kind of bugs and shes a woman. She's also already very popular, it's annoying.

You walk in and follow the instructions mom told you. After a 2 minute walk and asking help to a few strangers, you finally arive at your classroom. You open the door and am met with chaos. There's a guy sitting in a wheelchair talking to another guy that suddenly changed into a toaster? Okay... There's also a guy who's really slow, a guy who can change his face, it's pretty funny. He's talking to a girl with curly hair. She's cute but not your type. And then. Then there's a beautiful girl with brown hair. She's talking to this other girl who's playing with a water shark? It's litterly a shark made of water.. how? And last but not least there are you think twins who are in a deep conversation.

The guy in the chair noticed you first and go over to you with the other guy that can change into things. "Hi I'm y/n and I'mnew here" you blush a little out of embarrassment "Hi I'm wheels and this is Wildcard. My superpower is superstrengt and his power is well everything. Over there is his girlfriend Missy she doesn't have an actual power but she leads our group when we go on missions. Then we have the twins Fast Forward and Rewind, they still don't get along that well sometimes but it's better than last year. Then we have Slo-mo, Guppy is the girl who's playing with the water shark, A Capella is the girl over there she can sing every note oh and she can also move things if she sings low enough..." he keeps on introducing everyone but you zoned out after A Capella. She IS amazing. You were so deep in thought that you didn't hear when Wheels asked you a question. "So y/n what's your super power?" "Hm? Oh, uhm I don't know yet" "Oh, don't worry Missy didn't know hers in the beginning too. Who's your heroparent, maybe it has something to do with them" "It's my mom, she's the new superhero, Bugella, maybe you know her?" "Oh, yeah! Well maybe you can control bugs too? Don't worry you'll know eventually" He said reassuringly

When the teacher came in you waited till everyone sat down and looked for an open seat. Happily there was one right behind A Capella. Just on the moment you sat down the teacher came in, introduced herself and began teaching. It was geography so it was boring af. Atleast that gave you the time to stare and dream about A Capella.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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