Chapter 18

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The group press the button repeatedly, hoping that each action incites the outcome to occur faster. However it does not, and to their avail, the doors open ever so slowly. They race, feet overtaking feet, to reach the van where their manager waits; already seated and with the keys in the ignition.

"You guys are late," he grunts, a whine hidden in the rough edge of his words, "you knew you had an early schedule... were you lying to me an hour ago when you texted assuring you were awake?"

"No," Huening Kai assures, "we just had some trouble in the elevator.

Looking in the rear view mirror as he analyses the idol's face he sighs before pulling onto the main road. "Okay, just eat quickly, you won't have time when we get there," is the only other thing he has to say about the situation.

And he is right, when they do arive they have little time to gain their bearings before they are ushered away to change into the outfits prepared for the photoshoot, the same ones warn by them in their latest music video; the comback being the reason for their busy and rather tight schedual.

After a few hours of clicking, fixing, posing, and checking the five are given the all clear by the crew and allowed a short break for eating before they have to move on. The stylists run over with paper towls and tissues to protect the prestienee outfits from danger, especially from the chaotic powers of one particular member.

Successfully maintaining their outfits, lunch draws to a close with rather pleased stylists only making minor adjustments as the group move on to their next mission which, for convince's sake, is only in the adjacent building.

They settle in to the prepared chairs, soft due to cushioning, after greating the polite and seeminy friendly interviewer. They are asked standard questions about their comback and songs; meanings, process, sub group arrangements as well as what parts were fun and what parts were tenuous.

They take it in turns, Soobin the first to answer regarding the meaning, "a message to our fans asking them not to dwell in the past or what might be viewed as faults and, instead, that MOA try look for positives in the time they are living, even small things, because attitude can be the thing that tips Fate's scales".

"Mmmm," Beomgyu hums his agreement, "live as if everyday is summer and you are with your friends". He pauses briefly to think before adding, "and even if you don't have those close people in your live right now.... MOA please be happy! We are here, you will never be alone with us".

"A wish that you can all gather in the moments that make you feel like saying 'ah yes, this is how I always want to be'... you know? Like in a nice warm bath on a cold day, or when you are looking up to the the branching trees as the leaves begin to fall and you know that soon the street will be covered in tints of orange and yellow and red. When you are eating caramel popcorn as you watch your favorite movie with your friends by your side, living the moments with you. The short blips in time that we carry, that become pages of our history if only because they live on in a corner of our memory." Taehyun says, revealing just a few of the moments he wished to last forever. "If these moments lasted forever, then I would never be able to ask for more".

The other answers are similar, kind, hopeful and show just how much the group care for their fans and how sincer they are in wishing they live well.

The album garns a discussion about it's title 'Minisode 2: dawn'.

"You know the saying, 'the night is darkest before the dawn'?" Yeonjun asks the interviewer, gaining a nod before continuing with his explanation, "well we wanted our last album which had more of a, hummm not regretful-"

"Glum and ruminative vibe," Soobin interjects.

"Yes thank you," he says to his leader before returning to the task at hand, parroting Soobin's words, "the somewhat more glum and ruminative vibes of the last album to be met with more optimism, and that hopefully the juxtaposition of the two sides can give MOA something even more worthy of them".

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