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My grin couldn't be stopped as I knew my mask covered it. I always enjoyed the little things in life. Deep rooted laughter escapes me as the disgusting filth of a man pleads for his life. He was hilarious if he thought I'd listen to anything he was saying. I always did have a little more fun when they begged.

I lift my knife up in utter joy and the man trembles in fear. I shake in anticipation. My other hand goes up to my hard full face mask. That had a scribbled sketch of a smiling face drawn haphazardly by a black sharpie. I pull it to the side and just like every other person I've killed his face breaks out into utter terror at seeing my face.

Killing him after was easy. Slice open his throat and let him bleed out if he was still alive. My grin was gone now and replaced with my normal blank face. I then pull out a thick piece of black thread and a large but stumpy needle. I needed to sew my mouth shut before I went crazy again. I only had a few minutes to do it before my grin returned.

My hands work quickly. Closing my lips in what felt like less then a minute. I was a pro at it now. Once my mouth was firmly shut I switch my mask with a medical mask making sure it covered my mouth. Then shoving everything I had taken out back into my well sorted side bag.

It was after this that I usually sewed my victims mouth shut. It was something I always did before going home. I was dubbed silence by authorities because of it. I never got caught. I was to methodical. To unseen. To unknown. That's why it comes as a complete shock when hands grab me roughly from behind and a needle is jabbed into my neck. Was this the end of me?


Darkness surrounds me and my neck stings. My eyes hurt as I try to open them but again there is nothing but darkness. I could feel the strings of my mask and let out a sigh of relief. I then try to open my mouth to feel it satisfying tied closed.

I had been caught. But even I knew that it wasn't by the police. I'm pretty sure whoever took me was just as much one of the bad guys as I was. I was kidnapped. I laugh bubbles up with me at the thought but I don't let it escape. That was dangerous.

A quiet but sudden noise is made from my left side and I look over quickly. We're there others in the room? My question is quickly answered though when an angry shout is heard from right across from me.

"What the fuck!" A deep voice of a man yells out. With the sounds of struggling following it. I then try to move my own body. To realize I also seemed to be stuck in place.

My arms were tied down to the armchairs of the seat I was in and the same went for my feet to the legs. I don't bother to struggle though. It seemed to be completely made of metal.

A groan is heard from my right next and my head tilts at the almost static like sound. Like somebody who was speaking through a megaphone or voice changer.

Then bright lights come on and my eyes shut automatically. Another staticky groan is released from my right and the man across from me shouts out a curse. I open my eyes slowly and they fully open once I take in the sight of the three men that make a circle including me.

The one across from me was hard to miss. First of all he was still struggling and glaring at all of us. Second of all he was literally covered in bandages. He had a large hoodie on with the hood up but ever piece of skin seen, basically all of his face and his hands, were covered in bandages. His dark shaggy brown hair peeked from under his hood and he had wild eyes. Both being a dark brown.

The next one was the man to the left of me. He was quiet but was ticking crazily. His face was quite adorable to be honest. With soft black curls and pale skin he looked angelic but he kept ticking and only looked down at his restrained wrists. Flexing his fingers again and again.

The last man I know saw had a gas mask on. That's why his voice was so distorted. His eyes were still screwed shut and he was rolling his head on his shoulders. He seemed to be in pain. He also had dark almost grey hair and his hood was fall off his head.

I fleeting thought passes through my mind at what they think of me. My straight black hair kind of covered my eyes and my white mask probably had some kind of scribble on it. I couldn't remember what. My eyes were an annoying shade of piercing blue. Looking at them in a calculating way.

Why were we all here? Tied down to chairs in what seems to be a huge room. Had they been captured like me? We're they doing the same thing I was if they were? It all seemed so fascinating to me. I wasn't irritated, at least not yet.

"What the fuck is going on!" The bandaged man screams and tries to snatch is arms off the chair. Scarily enough the arms shake at the movement. The metal arms of the chair move. How strong was this man?

A loud booming sound suddenly encases the room before a cough sounds out, "hello ladies and gentlemen!"

I had no clue why the person said ladies. We're there more people here somewhere? A crackling noise sounds through the announcing before the bandaged man screams out, "who the fuck!"

"Alright now, let's get right to it," the same gravely voice speaks up, "who am I? I'm simply a bored, rich old man with way to much time on his hands. I have been wanting to do something like this for many, many years. Of course I needed to collect enough serial killers to do it."

Suddenly all three men are staring at each other. The man with the gas mask eyes were now wide open and I could see his bright green eyes glancing between me and the others.

"This is a game," the man calls out before laughing, "a hunting game. There are six teams and six floors. You and the people around you must get to the top. That's all you have to do, but you must all be alive and everyone else must be dead."

"What the fuck kind of shit is that!" The angry man screams and yanks his arms again. Once again shaking the arms. I was mentally thanking whoever chose the teams that this man was on mine. He was almost inhumanly strong.

"I know what you're thinking and yes," the man laughs out again and the ticking man to my left hands clench tightly and he finally looks up with a heated glare, "this is mandatory. You can choose not to participate but then you willed her hunted by the others who are and killed. Then your teammates will never have a chance of leaving. I have chosen the teams passed on strengths and weaknesses. Every floor has some kind of trap. So not only do you have to get away from 24 other people, you also must get through the floors."

My brain was going a million miles an hour. This was some sick old guys game. He was simply bored and wanted to play with others lives. I didn't understand why it had to be serial killers, maybe that made it more fun? Whatever the case, this man was like everyone else stuck here. A killer.

"You all will receive the belongings you had when you were captured and also given a chance to take anything in your given rooms. You will have 24 hours to prepare in said room. Remember, killing each other will result in immediate disqualification. You will be left in the building to die by the other teams and you won't be allowed to leave even if you somehow manage to reach the top," the man continues in an almost gleeful way. Suddenly the lights are shut off and then more lights turn on creating a path to a door off to my right.

The man with the gas mask tries to look and fails until a clicks resounds through the room and the struggling man flies out of his chair and into my lap. He growls up at me and stands up. From close up I notice his eyes are a gorgeous amber color.

Everyone else stands up as well moving the unlocked cuffs and we begin walking down the lit path to the door. I had no idea what was going to happen. How long this game would last or even if I would survive, but a part of me was excited. The part of me that wanted to cut my threads and grin in the face of danger. It seemed exciting and fun. A game worth playing.

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