The Unknown

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Many years ago Mystical creatures walked the same land as all the humans, but not all the humans enjoyed not knowing who was a creature and who was a pure human. Some of them felt weak since they felt they had no powers and that the Mystical creatures would eventually destroy them. Even though most of the creatures were good and good was in charge they still feared the evil ones. The creatures of the night gave the humans nightmares. So half of the humans made a deal with an imp. One of the darkest imps alive and the deal was the Mystical creatures would move to another land where everything was more pure and better while the willing humans stayed within the land they lived. But, like most deals with this imp their was a price. The price was that if human supply was getting low in their land they would kidnap humans from the human world. The deal was struck, while the humans thought they could make weapons that would keep those Mystical creatures away from their children it didn't really work as they planned. Pirates would invade their world and steal boys and girls to bring them to the Mystical Land......

A beautiful woman who went by the name Elizabeth was nine months pregnant when she had a feeling darkness was going to take over the Mystical Land. She was married to the King; he was a pure human and loved by all the people. Humans, Elves, Werewolves, Pixies and some witches. Even some of the Mystical creatures supported the human King. He ruled with an iron fist making sure that the darkness never harmed any of his people. With his beauty by his side he thought he was unstoppable, but the thing is no one is unstoppable to the Dark One. Elizabeth claimed to be a pure human but she did have a secret of her true nature but only an Imp knew the truth. Vampires were ready for revenge and wanted the Mystical Land back, with the other dark creatures they had a battle for the history.

Elizabeth was smart and knew she had to protect her newly born daughter, Alice. An old acquaintance came to her aid, the Imp. He made a deal that he would send the daughter to their old world where only humans lived and they called Earth. The Price was unknown to Elizabeth since once the deal was struck she heard a bell ring. Knowing it was The King's death she fled from the room to find the Dark One drinking her husband's blood. The Dark One then pounced upon the beauty of the Kingdom he slowly drained her blood. He would soon become the King but their was one little problem, Alice was still alive.

The Imp picked Alice up and vanished thru the portal that led to Earth he placed the child upon the doorstep knowing that people would question where the little child had went to. She was hope for the good creatures of the Mystical Land. As the Dark One entered the nursery he noticed no child and declared himself as the King. No one went against his words and the Mystical Land started to change. Dark Witches, Doppelgangers, Siren, Pirates (Dark Humans), Trolls, Goblins and Leprechauns started to exit the shadows. The Mystical Land went on as normal as they could with the Dark One as King...for a few years the people prayed for Alice to return but after five years they lost hope. Hope of their missing princess. Even the D

ark One forgot about the missing baby but only one creature knew that Alice was indeed safe. THE IMP....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2012 ⏰

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