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Izuku's POV

"YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" A new day already, I quickly got up from bed and started my daily activities, Mei was still somehow asleep, and my gear fixed for me to use.

7 a.m soon arrived, I learned with my mistakes and started going to bed early so that I could get my 8 hours of sleep, I called my mom for her to not worry about me, sent a message to Kacchan so that he wouldn't be angry later, and finally notified the heroes that I would be leaving soon.

"Izu." Mei started, still half asleep, "Can you pass through the junkyard beach and grab some metal, I need the resources for the bullets."

I felt myself flinch, that beach... Right... The beach I used to do muscle training before the U.A. entrance exams... "Right... About that Mei," I start laughing awkwardly as my hand reached the back of my head,  "I cleaned that like 4 months ago..."

"Why would you do that!?" She asked me angrily, "All those resources!"

"I didn't know the apocalypse would be hitting! I was training for the entrance exams of U.A.!" I started arguing back at her, obviously frustrated, this is actually normally for us, we would argue about random stuff everyday, but we soon would forget that it ever happened, "I wanted to enter the hero course... Failed miserably though." I laughed awkwardly as I finished.

"Robots right?"

I nodded, "Kinda bad, I became fit by the time I finished cleaning the beach, but compared with robots my strength is nothing."

"Forget that. I need resources, aluminium, iron, anything that I can squeeze for the metal bullets, or we won't have them soon." I nodded at her, and started dressing my equipment.

Maybe I will try to hit that place... I thought absentmindedly, as I passed through the door, disposing of the two dead that were at the door, It will be good to inform where I'm going though, "Yo, people watching the stream. Today we will be going to the dark part of the town, the only neighborhood that isn't in any patrol rout, ever. There probably will be weapons and other materials to collect, just a quick reminder that I will probably get in trouble in there..."

I was obviously talking with Shota and Yamada, to me they were the only people, plus Nemuri, that would I would talk through my streams, even though they would be short like this time.


Aizawa's POV

The problem kid is going to put himself in trouble, I feel it, "-Today we will be going to the dark part of town-" And there it is, I was already expecting this after he ran from Hawks last time, the kid is completely disregarding others now and acting more independently.

"The kid will put himself in trouble." Hawks comments, Nezu decided to include him on the meetings since he had direct interaction with Izu, "He is pretty entertaining though."

"He cleaned a beach?" Yagi inquired, looking at Hizashi and me, I simply nod at him.

"Yeah, it was there that I met him actually, he said that he was doing muscle training, wanted to get into U.A.." Hizashi told, "He was really thin during that time too, so it worked."

"What's this?" Izu's voice passes through the screen, "A barricade?" He approaches the area, and was met with a big muscular figure, "Hello there." He simply stated, lifting his hand in some kind of greeting.

The muscular man opened a gate that he seemed to be guarding, "Get in." He coldly told the boy, that scurried inside, "The gathering is in the park up ahead." The guard informed.

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