Chapter 1: The Apartment

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               It was the summer, just right after Sonya Nguyen and her friends Jessica Sanchez and Brenda Song graduated from high school. This summer was the beginning of a new life for Sonya and her friends.  Sonya plans on her singing and trying to do a few concerts in her area of Los Angeles, California.  She is hoping that this summer will be a big one for her.

               As the summer starts, Sonya and her friends adventure out to get an apartment for them to live all together in.

             One sunny day as Sonya and her friends were out driving and as they were driving, Jessica spots this beautiful apartment for sale. Jessica shouts “Stop Sonya, did you just see that apartment?”

                “No I did not Jay” said Sonya.

            “Please go back, that apartment looked beautiful and perfect for us” said Jay.

              At the next street, Sonya turned around and drove back and stopped at the apartment. Sonya and Brenda got out of the car in aww because the apartment was so beautiful and in a perfect location. Jay went up to the apartment and grabbed a flier of the apartment and showed it to Sonya and Brenda.

             “Oh wow it’s a three bedroom with a great view of the beach and close to all the major shopping” said Sonya.

             “I wonder how much the apartment is, but whatever the cost is I’m sure we can all pitch in and afford this apartment together.” said Brenda.

             “What are we waiting for let’s go see the manager and get this beautiful apartment” said Jay.

             As they got to the manager’s office, Brenda did all the talking to get the apartment, since she was the outgoing out of the three. After about 20 minutes of talking to the manager, Brenda comes out of the office telling the girls to come in and sign the release form since they got the apartment. Sonya and Jay were so ecstatic that they ran into the office signed the release form, and then thanked the manager.

            When they were done at the manager’s office they all went home and started to pack all of their belongings. They wanted to be all moved in by the weekend.


             As the days went on and the weekend came, they were finally all moved in.

             “Now I can finally start working on my music” said Sonya.

            “Yes you can and hopefully you will get a gig or two, so you can get some money to help out with the apartment.” said Brenda.

           “Yeah, but I want my music to go somewhere and I want to make it big” said Sonya.

             “I’m sure your time will come eventually” said Jay.

           Sonya instantly got a great idea, her idea was to start a YouTube channel for her music and to see what would happen.  That night Sonya hopped on her computer and made a YouTube channel and decided to record herself singing one of her favorite songs Rolling In The Deep. After Sonya made her video, she uploaded it and then went to bed since it was late that night.

            Note: Hi everyone here is my first chapter finally. I hope you enjoy it. I am in school right now, so I will be working in between that and RL while working on my story here, but sometimes it might take me awhile before I post a new chapeter, so be patient. Book cover, banner and trailer credit goes to my BFF @anikole. =)

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